
В РФ могут ввести ограничения на импорт ягод и фруктов

В РФ могут ввести ограничения на импорт ягод и фруктов

The State Commission on counteracting illegal trade of industrial products has proposed to restrict or prohibit the import of fruits and berries, write “Izvestia”. In this way it is planned to support domestic manufacturers, which now are seriously underperforming to

Sameer Neamah Mahdi/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Sameer Neamah Mahdi/Shutterstock/Fotodom

In Russia may have additional measures to support domestic gardeners and nursery owners including with including with the mechanisms of customs-tariff regulation. In

Sergey Mitin noted that the restriction of the importation of fruits and berries could may be limited to the food policy and nature management Sergey Mitin noted that the restriction of imports of fruits and berries could be effective in the summer and fall seasons, when farmers harvest the majority of fruits and berries, and prohibitive measures would increase the demand for their products.

“The introduction of protective measures such as quotas on imports and increased duties can help to protect the domestic market. Russia produces significant quantities of apples and pears, but imported fruits are always more. Limiting imports will help local gardeners to increase their market share and improve their financial status. In the season localberries can be tastier and healthier than imports: strawberries, raspberries, currants and other species of suchproductsgrownin Russia,willbewith betterqualitycharacteristics,morefreshand ripe” -addedhe.

The qualityofvegetablesand fruitsin  “TasteVille”beganto be monitoredbyartificialintelligence


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