Studies show, that people believing in the superiority of humans over other species find automation easier, seeing in it improvement. Sceptics more often perceive it as a threat. The results of these may help companies implement AI better in customer service.
Automation and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing customer service. Chatbots, voicebots and other systems based on AI are becoming more and more common. However the key challenge is gaining trust of users to these technologies. It turns out that one of the key factors of understanding the acceptance of customers for automation is the level of their speciicism, that is the conviction of the superiority of people over other species and technology.
Speciesism, that is prejudice of species, plays a key role in acceptance automation in customer service. The such conclusions were reached by the team, composed by dr hab. Arthur Modlinski of the Department of Management University of Lodz and prof. Rebecca K. Trump from Loyola University Maryland in the United States. The team
conducted their research on a group of 525 participants in three experiments, which included both Polish, and American respondents.
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It has been shown that people believing in the superiority of people over other species are easier to trust chatbots, especially when automation is presented as an improvement to routine processes. Results of the study showed, that they frequently perceive automation as beneficial, seeing it as a way to relieve people from routine, “unworthy” human tasks. In these people chatbots inspired greater trust, especially if marketing messages emphasized, that technology “relieves people of less valuable duties.”
Fear of automation – of what is because of it?
From the other party, people with less inclination to think this more often are fearful.automation, perceiving in it a threat to human autonomy and employment. The lower level of spectacism was associated with more resistance to autonomy – researchers most often perceived it as a threat to employment, a chatbots as tools taking away from people control.
– Our research shows, that attitudes towards technology are deeply rooted in conceptions about the role of humans in the world. Speciesism influences not only how we perceive
animals, but also our approach to machines and technology. Understanding these mechanisms allows to design solutions, which respond
to the needs of different groups of users – remarks dr hab. Arthur Modlinski, co-author of the study.
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Role of research a impact on automation in companies
Results of the study have particularly important importance for companies implementing automation in customer service. Segmentation of customers on the basis of their concepts about the place of humans in the world enables adapting communications marketing and strategies for introducing technology AI, increasing their effectiveness. Customers with conviction of the superiority of humans to other species are more likely to accept automation, when it is presented as a tool releasing people from routine tasks, on the other hand, sceptical people require moretransparentsolutionsandadditionaleducation,whichwillresolvetheirconcerns.In addition,designingsystemswithincreasedtransparencyandtheabilitytocontrolbytheusercanincreaseconsumers’trustintechnology.ResultsofresearchofferbusinessnewtoolstopersonalizestrategiesforimplementingAI,whichenablesbetterresponsetodiversecustomerneedsandincreasetheirsatisfaction.