President Donald Trump announced the imposition of duties on foreign semiconductors, mostly from Taiwan, in order to encourage firms to shift production to US. He also argued that the success of China’s artificial intelligence model which caused the dramatic decline of the stock market was a positive development.
“In the very near future we intend to introduce customs customs for foreign computing bricks , semiconductors and pharmaceuticals products , that the production of these essential goods could return to the United States of America , Trump said in a speech to a meeting of Republican Congressional Members.
He criticized his first prime minister who offered subsidies to companies to encourage them to establish semiconductor plants in the US, which was used by other than the largest producer of semiconductors in the world at Taiwan TSMC. This company will produce the first advanced thick conductors in Arizona in the first half of this year and a second factory is planned to be built in 2027 or 2028 years.
The American President has stated that 98 percent of the computer blocks are made in Taiwan, the relocation of manufacturing would require non subsidies and the form of tariffs are under consideration. Another value of the introduction of muits could increase the costs of electronics in the US.
Trump also mentioned China’s new model of artificial intelligence, DeepSeek, which, as advertised,wasdevelopedafewtimeslessthanitscompetitorsintheU.S.A.,andwhosequalitymettheirs.Hesaidthat,inhisopinion,thatitis”positive”,becauseitindicatesthatthedevelopment ofanartificialintellectwouldnotrequirethatmuchmoneyspent.
“The introduction of the ChinesecompanyDeepSeekDIshouldbeanincentive forour industry,becauseweneedtofocusoncompetitiontowin”-theU.S.Presidentemphasised.