We asked in the Main Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz, State Inspectorate of Plant Protection and Supervision and Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village, what punishments are possible for application of dumping urea without inhibitor and possibly for introducing such fertilizer in trading, with with dumping application. The following is the response received from the mentioned institutions.
State Inspection of Plant Protection and Salvage
The most comprehensive reply we received from State Inspection of Plant Protection and Salvage. We reach from it, that PiORN is the proper authority for supervision of the introduction into the circulation of fertilizers, measures to aid the cultivation of plants, products of fermentation and products
of fertilizers, but not in the surveillance of their use. This scope of responsibilities lies on the Party of Inspection of Environmental Protection.
– At the same time in referring to the issue of the dispatch. induction into turnover of urea, the regulations of the European Parliament and Council (EU) number 2019/1009 of June 5 2019 year. the regulations on the disposal in the market of fertilizer products, give the possibility of introducing into the market urea labeled with the CE mark containing an inhibitor of urease or biodegradable, like and urea without w. additives. This Regulation specifies the requirements for labeling of such products. Objects introducing into trading urea may be responsible for non-compliance of labeling with requirements of Regulation (EU) number 2019/1009, in pecuniary penalties – says Paulina Dziosa, senior inspector in the department for food PIORiN.
Inspection of
Environmental Protection
If this is about Inspection of Environmental Protection, which is the authority overseeing the application of theInquiries were sent to the Main
Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz. To date we have received only from WIOŚ in
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Despite custom import ferries can still be paid. What about prices?
– In accordance with art. 20b of the law of the day 10 of July 2007 . on fertilizers and fertilization, the use of urea in granular form without inhibitor of urease is prohibited and prone to fines. Also, the rules for introducing into treatment of fertilizers, measures supporting the cultivation of plants and products after fermentation are in chapter 2 of the law – says Karina Ścieszyńska, Kujawsko-Pomorski Voivodship Inspector of Environmental Protection.
This reply with certainty is not
exhaustive, and the response from GIOŚ still has not been received. From this reason we sent to the
Head Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and Provincial Inspectorates of Environmental Protection in Bydgo and Warsaw inquiries
about the amount and quantity of fines imposed in 2024 years. After receiving an answer on this range we will return to the topic.
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ammonium-phosphate. What parameters reflect attention when purchasing?
Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village
This self request to the above institutions, we also sent to Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village. Although the Response Department of Press does not contribute to the topic anything new, it clearly indicates what entity is responsible for supporting the market of fertilizers in the specific areas.
– Principles of supervision andThe in control of fertilization and fertilization is specified in chapter 6 of the Act on fertilization and fertilization. According to art 30 of the Act. of the Act the State Inspection of Plant Protection and Supervision of the introduction into the
market of fertilizers in the manner specified in the PiOR regulations. On the other hand, the provincial inspector of environmental protection under art.
32 of the law on trucks and fertilization conducts inspection of compliance with regulations on conditions ofuseandstorageoftrucks,inincludingurea,inthe mannerspecifiedintheregulationsofInspectionofEnvironmental Protection.Inspection,inaccordancewiththeAct,consistsininspectionofentitiesapplyingandstoringfertilizersandisconductedon thebasisofannualriskanalysisoronrequestfrominterestedentities-reportsthePressDepartmentofMRiRW.