
Urban residents are more likely to seeglazedbalconies

Miestų gyventojai vis dažniau renkasi stiklintus balkonus

Urbanisation and the increasing demand for functionality

As urbanisation grows, urban residents are increasing more searching for ways to make the most use of the space available.The Balcony, which used to often serve as a sandal of random things is transformed into a complete living area.The glazing of the balcony provides the opportunity to adapt the space to different activities from rest to work.

Daiva Kazlauskienė , Architecture Specialist , observes: “City dwellers are more and more investing in solutions that enhance their every day life. A glazed balcony allows the creation of a enriched living space , while reducing street noise and ensuring a sense of privilege .”

Privacy and acoustic insulation – why does this matter?

Living in multiple dwellings often provides the opportunity to enjoy a real personal space. Glazed balconies are the perfect solution for those who want to maintain a distance from the neighbourhoods looking and street noise.

Major functions of glazed balconies:

  1. Noise reduction.Urban centres are often noisy and the glass structures help reduce the prediction of noise intrusion in the environment. Tinted or pane glass allows the creation of closed, personal space.
  2. Protection from environmental actors. Sun, wind and snow will not damage your balcony interior and decoration.

Heat, comfort and energy efficiency

Balcony glazing also contributes to energy savings. This design helps to reduce heat loss during winter years and this translates into reduced heating costs. Besides this, the glazed balcony becomes comfortable in space even in the coldest months. Residents may use this space not only for recreation, but for for example, to grow green plant walls or to create a slight winter water.

Jonas Petrauskas , real estate agent , points out that glazed balconies increase the value of the house . “Peoplelooking for solutionsthatdo notjustappearmodern, butandservepractically. Balcony glazing is one of those investments that increase the comfort of living from the side ,” he says.

style=”font-size:18px”>Trend which reflects life changes

Glazed balconies. Urban residents often transform these spaces according to their needs. For some it is a rest space with a view of the city panorama, for others it is a work space particularly actually relevant after the work of home. Some other choose glazed balconies as space for small but also for a nice plant flower or scroll plant garden.

“Glazed balconies become part of the private nature of the city in which it is possible to take a breather out from the city’s drop fall, – says interior designer Laura Bernotaitė. She also notes that more residents are choosing innovative glazing solutions, such as sliding systems, which allow the space to open in summer and close in winter.

Long-term investment in quality of life

Glazing balconies is not a currenttrend. Urbanisation and urban development are mostly only large, so people are searchingforwaystoadapttothechangingenvironment.A glazedbalconyisasolutionthatsatisfiesboththefunctionalandtheaestheticbenefitsofhavingavalueoftheexistenceandimprovesthequalityofdailyliving.

Thischoiceisnotjustapracticalsolution,butanoptionandanopportunitytoenhancethecomfortofurbanliving.The glazedbalconiesat theendoftheendbecomeanintegralpartofmodernlivingincitythatcreatesanattractingoasisinthecity’sbusiness.

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