Representatives of Latvian international cargo carriers have again complained that they remain without permits (permits) to carry cargoes to (from, through) Russia. And they again confirm that the process is blocking the Minister of Caspars Briskens, not answering their inquiries, which would put thousands of workers in the sphere. Portal Delfi requested the Ministry of Communication and the Auto Transport Directorate (ATD) to clarify the situation.Many mock that by importing alcohol, we are helping Russians sleep, but with time any form of cooperation with Russia should continue, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Baiba Brazhe in mid-December 2024 year when the new package of European sanctions in the Russian Federation. While this at the same meeting in the MID said, that the full closure of the border is not considered as it
would be a slightly painful strike on the economy of Latvia. From the beginning of the war there was a significant decline in imports from Russia and Belarus, while the exports were even slightly increased. A significant part of exports to the East is alcohol. And not of Latvian manufacture.
Commodities from all Europe fall to warehouses in the Baltic countries and give work to local logistical infrastructure and carriers. The Ministry of Communications has for some years recommended that all participants in the logistics arena shift to the West as safer for the country and the drivers themselves.
Officialdatashowsthatless than a quarter oftheparticipantsintheinternationaltransportationmarketinLatviaoperateinRussiatoday.Thereisnoneverthelessthelawthisbusinessisnotprohibited.