
Unique John Deere from the years 40. on petrolstation.

Unikatowy John Deere z lat 40. na stacji benzynowej

The John Deere brand is now known in Poland perfectly, remaining in the leading popular purchased tractors (in 2024 year. “jelonki” were the most popular brand over the Vistula). However as late as 36 years ago the purchase of a western brand in our country was not very possible, a on fields there were reigning Ursuses, Zetors or MTZs. Something different was just after the II World War, when this took to us (under aid UNRRA) machines and vehicles of American or English production. Spora some of these equipment

have unfortunately finished marred due to lack of spare parts.

Story one photo:

Spring action seeding with tractor Case

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History of

one photo: Spring action seeding with tractor Case

American tractors in postwar Poland

from US to Poland, but also for e.g.. to the USSR or China, floated already after the Second World War by a wide stream of machinery and vehicles supplied under UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), that is the United Nations Administration for Relief and Rehabilitation . We have already mentioned this on an occasion described in this place Farmall H of 1946 year, who from new worked in Poland, but with high probability in this same way took to the

Polish ground John Deere of approximate year met on one of the power stations.

Farmall from 1946 year from new in Poland

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Farmall from 1946 year from new in Poland

Among the help traveling to us under UNRRA were agricultural machines, cars trucks, steam engines and wagons,tools, clothes, drugs or packages of food. Although UNRRA was an international organization, 70 proc. supplies came from the US, a delivered to the above countries goods had a total value of about 3 billion dollars. To this organization we owe a great deal in the post-war reconstruction, while unfortunately we have done with the

support given by it, under pressure by the authorities of the USSR, which considered UNRRA as interference by the Americans

in the sovereignty of the bloc states of the East.

Tractor John Deere serving in the Polish Army in 1948 year, phot. National Archive Digital Tractor John Deere serving in The Polish Archive in 1948 year, phot. National Archive Digital

Everything started from the plough

History of brand John Deere, which we associate today with popular on the world with tractors and crops, would begin telling in 1836 ., when this 32-year-old coal John Deere moved from family town Rutland in state Vermont to far away about a thousand miles village Grand Detour in state Illinois. What interesting, the decision to move away was dictated by a desire to flee from debts.

The Grand Detour and the round were lacking at the time, a John Deere, being able to boast 15 years of experience in this fact, quickly gained a large group of customers, which allowed him to already in 1837 . build a new

café of 128 m2. Initially he worked only repairing agricultural machinery or forging small tools

like shovels and forks, but when he discovered, that the plows used by local

farmers with iron shoes perform poorly in heavy soil, he decided to find a solution.

War of harvesters, which is where the harvesters came from

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War of harvesters, that was where had the harvesters

There was then experience, which he gained in his childhood at his father’s crafter’s shop. John Deere associated at that time polishing his father’s needles with the saw.plow, which made from polished steel and properly shaped, produced the effect of self-cleaning from sticky clay. The first of this type plough was purchased from him in 1838 . one of the neighbors, Lewis Crandall, a in 1841 year, at the built shed has successfully achieved a productivity of a level of 100 ploughs per year.

New opportunities at Moline

In order to increase the scale of your business and reach new customers, in 1848 . John Deere moved to the far away by 70 miles the city Moline, with which to today is the brand named from his name. This city was already at then an important transportation hub, with access to the rail and port on the river Mississippi. Sales of ploughs started there dynamically growing, a as early as in 1855 . John Deere celebrated the sale of 10 thousand of those machines.

From the county two years later he handed the

steers in the business to his son Charles, who in 1868 . registered the Company Deere & Company.

The company produced at that time in addition to ploughs also vehicles, cultivators and seeders, a also took work on the

steam machine, meant to drive ploughs, which however had not finally come to effect. In 1869 year. Charles Deere began establishing cooperation with sellers of agricultural machinery in all the United States, to provide sales of its machinery to customers from the farthest corners of the country.

Zetor 2023, that is 24HP on crawlers in the 60s

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Zetor 2023, that is 24HP on caterpillars in the years 60s

In 1912 . current president Deere & Company, William Butterworth, son-in-law of Charles Deere, began expansion in the market for agricultural tractors. For the purpose was to first privatize with high importance in the market International Harvester Company. The first major success in this area was the acquisition of Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company and production of its most popular model – Waterloo Boy – under its own brand. This is what started the popularity of John Deere tractors.

John Deere model A


Returning to the tractor from the photo, it is a John Deere model A. Tractors of this type were built in the years 1934-1952, subjecting through this time to some modernizations. In the case of the emplemplate from the photograph we are contacting with the emplate produced after 1938 , when with the model year 1939 there were the most stylistic changes. This is either the model series “early styled” from the years 1939-1946 in richer equipment, or also “late styled”, produced in the years 1947-1952. The differences between these were primarily in the engine structure and electrical installation, a visually perceptible element was the fact, that in “late styled” lighting was standard equipment, a in “early styled” – an option. As,

that John Deere tractors from those years were in Poland under UNRRA and they were usually years

1945 and 1946, it is required to be more suggested to late “early styled”.

John Deere model A

was equipped with a two-cylinder engine of 26 hp. What is interesting, it was not on the equipped to fuel and oil propulsion, as in today’s tractors, and benzine or naphtha, as it has occurred in many tractors of those years. The engines those constructed were with the thought of operating on distill oil, which was at then the cheapest fuel, and today the crude service for the production of fuel aircraft or arctic oil propulsion.

How much did machines

make John Deere in 1991 year?

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How much did machines of brand John Deere cost in 1991 year?

ModelAwasreplacedin1952year.with a newmodel60.Thisdistinguishedfirstwithanmodernizedengine,whichhadincreasedpowerandwasadaptedtooptionalpowerwithgasground,aalsoinsertedintothelistofadditionalthree-pointsuspensionandshaftreceivingpower.Thisfromthecolumnin1956yearwasreplacedbymodel620,ain1958,afterslightstylisticchanges-630.Hissuccessorwasin1960yearthemodel3010,ofwhichwithtime,intheyears70.evolvedlegendary”locomotives”series3000and4000.



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