Ukrainian economic expert and investment banker Sergey Fursa confirms that help, which Estonia is providing to Ukraine, is not significant in the context of the general scale of the economy of Ukraine.”I don’t know exactly the amount that Estonia allocates, but, it is most likely that, this help is not significant
in the scale of our economy,” says Fursa. But Fursa notes that Estonia’s role is in another other sort of frontrunner (from English. frontrunner – leader, director, which pushes the West
to more active action. According to his words, it is thanks to this support, including financial and military assistance, that today’s economic miracle is observed. The expert also emphasizes that the assistance
of the scale that the West is providing is unprecedented in history. “And “And if if this assistance were not available, the situation would be drastically different. So, yes, perhaps, I cannot determine the specific participation of Estonia in this support, but I am sure that its impact is significantly exceeding the percentage of the allocated funds. The Baltic countries, including Estonia, play an important
role in that, to push Europe and the US to more active and scale assistance to Ukraine,” Says Fursa. “When asked whether the funds being provided by the United States, Europe and other countries, including Estonia, will have to be repaid by Ukraine, or whether they will be provided free of charge. he responded, that when it is about US aid, it is grants – money that doesn’t need reimbursement. “As for
the European Union’s assistance, they are loans. Formally they need to be reimbursed. But it will be reimbursed.take into account that these loans are issued for 30 years at 0% interest, and inflation over this period will practically eat their real cost, the expert says. Full interview with Sergey
Fursa can be read here.