Holding Vitagro informed in an official communication, that it has started production of new blended feeds for animals DDGS on bioethanol basis. Production will be based on bioethanol from its own factory Maryliv, which has a capacity of 27 thousand tons of bioethanol yearly and 27 thousand of bioethanol batch – reports Latifundist.
According to announcements, the production of DDGS will enable the company from one party to enter the market with a new line of feed mixes for animal livestock, a from the other will reduce the cost of feeding cattle and poultry on own farms. According to company estimates, these costs will fall by 5-7%. Now the company has started expansion of courtyards and construction of new courtyards. Plans to expand its stock by 800-900 acres.
Holding has invested in a new line of feed DDGS 5.3 million euros. In addition to this it has increased employment at Maryliv plants and has recruited new finders there. Vitagro intends to unused on its ferm surplus feeds to sell abroad, among others to Poland – it results from the announcement.
We see demand from the site of foreign consumers, a from the viewpoint of return from investment markets are much more interesting to us . Therefore we expect that in the sales structure 60-70% will be countries of Eastern Europe and Middle East.
The remaining 30% will be sold in Ukraine – told service Latifundist Jewhen Kotlarov, head of alternative fuels group Vitagro.
To enable export the company has already started applying for international certificates for its new feeds.
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