The representative of regional authorities was arrested by agents of counterintelligence and Service of Ukraine – informed Ukraine Truth. The detainee is Oleh Diadyk, deputy of the Poltavsk Oregional Council from the Party For Future.
As follows findings of the investigation, the official wanted to liquidate the owner of a local farming company, to take his enterprise. For this purpose he offered his servant driver 20 000 dollars, in exchange for the murder of the designated entrepreneur.
Murder details planned. The driver was to do it at the site of an abandoned pump station, where the deputy invited the businessman for the purpose of discussing some plans investment. During the meeting the driver was supposed to put the loop on the victim’s neck and strangle them . Then he was supposed to suicide. After all the member intended to falsify documents, in order to appoint himself as the proxy of the company.
Although the suspects had meet in secure places outside the monitoring cameras, and they talked with them only face to face, without using telephones, the services dared to hit
and murder. The Deputy and the driver were stopped, when they had already carried the businessman to the place of
the arranged meeting. Both have heard charges of collaborating in the purpose of murder with premeditation – have been reported