– This was to be a ordinary road inspection, a that ended in a record of conviction, which could shame any record – wrote in the communication Provincial Inspektorat Transport in Lublin. This is about two trucks from Kazakhstan, which were detained on national road number 2 in Worońc, in the municipality Biała Podlaska.
Two Kazakh sets with refrigerated transport from Poland to Kazakhstan together nearly 50 tons of frozen fries for known network fast food. Both transports have been directed to guarded parking because of a long list of confirmed violations of regulations and imposed for no salary penalties.
What did inspectors find?
During the inspection it turned out first, that the drivers didn’t have the proper permits for transport, because they had not filled even documents allowing the transport of goods from Poland to Kazakhstan. In effect each of these received a penalty of 12 thousand zlotys from the vehicle. Notifications to the International Registry of road carriages contained from rail incorrect information, for which also received a penalty of 12 thousand gold per vehicle.
The drivers did not also present documents confirming their delegation to work on the Poland-Kazakhstan route. I in this case each of these is supposed to pay a penalty of 6 thousand zlotys and additionally 500 zlotys mandate. From the rail for non-observance of time work one of the drivers must two mandates in the amount 2.150 PLN and 2,000 PLN.
Doubts inspectors have also been raised by policy OC, the so-called “green cards” of drivers. If the documents appear to be false, the carrier will face an additional penalty – £15,560 for each of the sets.
Forced stay
As read in communication WITD, both trucks were directed to parking guarded, as long as drivers do not pay the prescribed
condition and do not complete the missing documents. Inspectorate to clarify must also the police issue.
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Ursus on a-trailer. He will pay 12 thousand gold fines and stand before the court