
TV3: The sale of mineral fertilizers owned by Mazepin’s companies hasbeenauthorized

TV3: Разрешена продажа с аукциона минеральных удобрений, принадлежащих компаниям Мазепинa

The Latvian Financial Investigation Service (FID) sanctioned auctions for the sale of mineral fertilizers, owned by companies of Russian citizen Dmitry Mazepin (under international sanctions), and which are now stored in the Riga port at SIA “Riga fertilizer terminal”, TV3 reported.As reports TV3, the “Riga fertilizer terminal” currently stores more than 47 thousand tonnes of mineral fertilizers, including about 9000 tonnes of ammonium selite, which is a
particularly dangerous substance. The FID explained that the authorization to sell at auction the sanctioned product was given to prevent potential
environmental hazards. The Service stresses that the funds or money possibly gained in the result of the auction of mineral fertilizers should be frozen. Sanctioned individuals will not be able to benefit from
the possible auction of mineral fertilizers. All of the mentioned mineral fertilizers are planned to sell
in three separate auctions at a starting price of 8.2 million euros. According to publicly available information, the mentioned above the auctions of mineral fertilizers began in
December 202024 but were stopped on 10 January. It was originally expected that the trade would end 20 January. In particular, it was offered to buy 38 705 tonnes of potassium chloride (PSt60), owned by the registered in Russia Uralkali, to use “Riga Fertilizer Terminal” for storage of property and other related issues, but to
cover unpaid expenses. The starting price of the auction was set at 6 884 748 euros, the step of the auction was 68 847,48 euros. The Auction was
set in the Auction.also offered to buy 7355 tonnes of ammonium salt, owned by Uralchem Trading. The starting price of the auction was 1 063 741 euros, the step
of the auction – 10 637,41 euros. In addition, the auction offered to buy 1764 tonnes of ammonium selitra, owned by Uralkali Trading. The starting price of the auction was 255 097 euros,
the step of the auction – 2 550.97 euros. The State Service Environment suspended the permit for polluting activities of
the sanctioned “Riga fertilizer terminal”, which was issued for temporary storage and transshipment of mineral fertilizers at the Riga Free port. Because of sanctions imposed on the company, a
commercial cargo with 113 thousand tonnes of mineral fertilizer, which is classified as dangerous cargo. Bearing in mind that the true beneficiary of “Riga fertilizer terminal” in Latvia has applied sanctions, which also affect the indirectly company, Funds and economic resources of the company are considered frozen, the State in the GosService environment. The true beneficiary of

“Rigafertilizer terminal”,according to””,isMazepinonbasedownershipthroughtheCypriotcompany”TammulogisLimited”,whichowns51%.AAnother49%ofthecapital of”Rigafertilizer terminal”is owned byAS”RigaPortGroup”, which is owned by”MultiCapitalHoldings”.Theowners of the above-mentionedcompanyarethefamilyoftheex-Prime MinisterofLatviaAndrisSkeeleandthefamilyofSeimAinarSchlesers.

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