
Trump’s trade war Trump. What does this mean for thePolisheconomy?

Wojna handlowa Trumpa. Co to oznacza dla polskiej gospodarki?

The trade war U.S.-the rest of the world continues at the best. Who in Poland can ober, if Donald Trump imposes tariffs on the Union? Expert changes branches.

– Donald Trump strongly wants to write his presidency on the charts of history of the United States. He set himself some goals, which he must implement, in order to achieve this . Only naïve thought, that he would start with talking with the leaders of other states. He from the right stroke. In the corner, using far from the nomenclature boxing, stood Canada, US and China. In the locker room already waits European Union – comments Mariusz Zielonka, head economist of Confederation Lewiatan.

The apparent increase in commodity prices in shops

Increase in tariffs on specified products is not new. New is however the scale of this action. It is worth mentioning, that in the case of Canada nearly half of all exports to the US will be subject to higher duties.

The Confederation Leviathan says, that the announcements of higher dollars in the first moment have caused a large variation in the exchanges. In perspective of a few months the customs will obviously increase the price of goods on store shelves in the US, but also in states, which have decided to impose taxes. If this tar fight tar lasts significantly longer, one hould expect a significant deceleration of production, releases. At the same time the Fed will have to also revise its plans for interest rates.

The whole Union share in trade with the US economy is over 20%

– that, what happens in the Western Hemisphere, will have a translation to the Polish economy. In the larger however directly. Our trade with the US is not of particular size (both imports, as and exports oscillate in borders of 3% of our total trade). However, the share of the Union’s total trade with the US economy is over 20%. When Trump imposes higher tariffs on products from the Union, in the first order it will affect Western Europe. Behind the effect domina these higher costs of functioning German, French companies, Italian will affect us in the form of decreased number of new orders – emphasizes Mariusz Zielonka.

Will Polish and Polish people receive a war on trade?

– If yes, that is probably through reaction in the market for work in industry. Another element may be increased costs of sourcing energy and fossil fuel, which will be the factor.lead probably to freezing energy prices in Poland-MariuszZielonka says.

-FromtheviewpointoftheEuropean Unionthe keyis,howhighthetariffswillbeandwhatgoodstheywillcover.FollowingforthenexttimeDonaldTrumpprovesthetruthofHenriKissinger’s words,that:”beingan enemyofAmericacanbedangerous,butbeinga friendofAmericacanbedeadly”-addsMariuszZielonka.




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