US President Donald Trump in his speech broadcast on World Economy Forum in the Weeds, said oil prices and interest rates must fall.
Donald Trump joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Davos in a speech, in which most talked about the first days of the new administration and the future plans.
“The United States has the most oil and gas in the earth and we will exploit them. This will not only reduce the price of all goods and services but will make the U.S. industrial superstate, so even on the global ground of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies , – said the American President.
He announced the rapid approval of new projects for acquisition. Donald Trump also said he would examine Saudi Arabia on a number of actions for which the oil price will drop. When oil pigs, will, will, not, whatever it takes, to complete the war in Ukraine.
“I will work to reduce oil prices. I will also require that the interest on this country will decrease. They should fall all over the world” he said .
U.S. President announced that Congress would support a significant reduction in taxes . Also the regulatory clogs in the American economy need to be reduced.
“IhavecompletedanabsurdandincrediblywastefulNewGreenCourse.Ihavecalled it thenewGreenCurve.I withdrewtheUSfromtheone-sidedParisclimateagreementand abolishedinsaneandexpensiveelectricvehicleregulations.Wewillallowpeopletobuythecartheywant”-resumedDonaldTrump.