Triplets in Dalewo
At the end of July, three beautiful and healthy female calves were born on the farm of Małgorzata and Mateusz Binkowski in Dalewo in the Śrem district, according to the Wielkopolska Center for Animal Breeding and Reproduction.
“For the cow that gave birth to triplets, this will be her fourth lactation. The birth took place without complications, the mother feels good and willingly feeds. It is worth adding that pregnancy comes from natural estrus, without the use of hormones," emphasizes WCHIRZ.
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The best Polish IE and PF bulls from the April evaluation
Triplets sired by Marengo
The father of these heifers is the bull Marengo (sexed semen), who comes from Conway, and the grandfather is the bull Renegade. Marengo is offered by the Wielkopolska Animal Breeding and Reproduction Center in Poznań. According to WCHIRZ, it is available in a sexed and conventional version. It has a very good estimated breeding value confirmed by the gPF 156 and gTPI 2933 index. Daughters from this bull are recommended for "robot" milking and provide values for kappa casein BB and beta casein A2A2.
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Top economic bulls from the April evaluation
The breeder manages proper reproduction himself
The Binkowski herd consists of 70 milking cows, and the average annual productivity is approx. 12,000. kg of milk. As reported by WCHIRZ, in their work they pay a lot of attention to improving well-being and profitability of production. The fact that breeders are veterinary technicians by profession is certainly helpful when working with cattle. Moreover, Mateusz Binkowski completed an insemination course at WCHiRZ 9 years ago and manages proper reproduction in his herd himself. The center noted that no hormonal programs are used in this herd – hormones are used only as therapeutic agents.
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Outstanding bulls according to the PF index in the 2024.1 season