
Treatment fumigation. See, why it cannot be performed alone.

Zabieg fumigacji. Zobacz, dlaczego nie wolno go przeprowadzać samodzielnie

Protection of plants does not end at the time of harvest. Pest storage pests are a serious threat to agricultural crops stored with the intent to sell at later time or consumption on

  • eating or hollowing grains;
  • contamination of grains with fecal matter, vegetation, debris;
  • increasing humidity of stored agricultural crops, a by this encouraging their warming and development of other pests;
  • transmission of fungi and bacteria;
  • contribution by different means to decrease value of grain for processing, as and intended for use as seeding material.

In stores of beans we encounter defects such, as the beef beef, the trichome, the mole the grain or the worm spike. Separate group are rodents – primarily mice and rats, which eat large quantities of grain, contaminating the shed with feces.


Extremely important for maintaining high quality of stored grain is prophylaxis, for which at the present stage it is already too late, a also regular inspection of conditions in warehouses, on which as almost there is still the right moment. What is important, are the less-costly issues, a allowing to avoid powerful losses. Often just entering the room, where the grain is stored, enables detection of some pests, which demonstrate characteristic odors or in In the case of rodents also sounds.

It happens that when opening the winter storage, you can feel a hit of warmth and It is temperature that is the most important factor, which should be regularly controlled. Increase temperature can mean the occurrence of decay processes, caused by activity of pests. In warehouses of beans it is usually a sign of activity of beans. Regular monitoring enables detection of even slight increases in temperature, which gives an opportunity to take effective action. Worth remember, to measure not only the temperature of air in storage, but primarily the temperature of the bed, with a thermometer embedded in it. You can do this manually, by plunging the thermometer in the complex.visit in warehouse, or also install a system monitoring temperature with view on phone or computer.

In addition to regular monitoring temperature it is worth using feromone traps or mechanical traps allowing detection of defects foraging inside the complex. Pheromones enable snare and trap small animals. Of course, it cannot be counted on that the traps completely clean the infested grains, but the appearance in them even some individuals gives a signal, that there is an urgent action.

Effective Compression of Pests I FACTS Danger to People

Principally to control magazine pests use fumigants or contact agents.The first of

This type means under no application by self or even approaching the performing person without means of personal safety. To conduct fumigation requires training documented with certification, a also gas-tight suit with gloves and specialized mask against gas. In addition, after performing the procedure into the gassed warehouse you are not allowed to enter even for two weeks. Doing without maintaining restraint because of the huge toxicity of substances in case of contact with gas may end in death.

This needs to be emphasized very clearly: hydrogen phosphide with ease can lead to death of a person. It is reported that with concentrations at levels of 500-700 mg/m3 it kills in within 30 min, and at 1500 mg/m3 death can occur after just a few breaths. As specialists say, at the source of gas the concentration is so large, that two breaths end in immediate death. In

According to expert

Marek Wierzbowski, Rat-Pol DD

The problem the that preparations for fumigation are easily available to everyone, and uninformed people are often convinced, that this is a ordinary trick for rats. We as the branch have already for a long time attempted to that it was needed tragedy, that someone does something about it . The black market is booming, people probably often have no understanding, what they get from a neighbor or a stranger. We encounter also with sales by legal acting companies on this principle, that they issue an invoice for the service, a they send the customer a product, which he then applies, without knowing the safety rules. It is a powerful business and there was a need tragedy, that this topic would become loud.

According to expert
Marek Korc, Ratkor

Before any fumigation is not allowed to be carried out by yourself. You need to be trained in this area. For safety reasons such treatments are performed by two people, obviously both trained. This is the first basic principle, to pass the training, take the examination and obtain certification. It is also important that we buy fumigation agents only at verified wholesaler, because there are cases of introducing on the market old labeled agents, after which we do not know, what to expect. Beginning already to treatment, the basis is protected. Workers must be dressed in gas-tight suits and gloves, a tight mask against gas, absolutely not ordinary against dust. After performing the treatment close the warehouse, mark with and designate the date of completion and at this date return with meter to phosphor hydrogen, to check, whether after de-gassing the person can already enter the warehouse. This is dependent on various factors 7-14 days. You must remember, that hydrogen phosphide is a very toxic gas, two breaths cause a man to turn and no more to get up. The problem is in that those measures are generally available. We as an industry have fought against this for years, we have tried to publicize the problem, but unsuccessfully, maybe in finally another tragedy will change something. It is a poison of first class toxicity, there is nothing more poisonous in the market, a unaware people keep this at home, often in unoriginal packaging, such as. jars, which are easily broken and lead to the release of gas, which over night can kill homeowners. If it is about cost, it counts from a ton.carbonated grain. This is is usually 5-20 £/t, depending on the size of the order, distance of the commute itd.

According to expert
Cezary Jenczyk, Ozon-Mosquito

Before all the person engaging in fumigation should have appropriate, cyclically renewed permissions. Those preparations, about which have been loud in recent time, are in the highest class of toxicity. They are very effective, but they must be applied in a very thoughtful way, with application of the safety regime. This is both about the safety of persons performing treatments, and and people who potentially could be exposed to substances. The facility must be after the procedure properly marked, secured before entry, preferably with a new lock, to which the key only the person performing the procedure. There should be to this statementbytheprincipal,thathasbeenacquaintedwith thethreatsand undertakesnottoenterfora specifiedtime,untiltheprocesshasbeencompleted.Fumigationalwaysshouldbecompletedso-called.deaerationof thefacility,that isremovalofsealsand weathering,whichshouldcontinue,untilthegas gaugeshowssafevalues.Ifitisabout prices,theconverteristhemassofthesubstance beingfumigated,e.g.beans.Dependingonthesizeoftheorder,thereisa few-oddlotperton.Tothisyouhaveto addthecostsoftravel.Thecostofserviceconsistsofprimarilysafetymeasures-masks,filters,suitsetc.fortheteamperformingtheoperation-withgasesneverworkonalone-sealthewarehouseetc.Thesecases,whichhavebeenpublicizedin the media,areactingwith disregardingabsolutelyallprinciples,itisdifficulttocomment somehow.

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