
Top breeders and producers of meat cattle in 2024 year.

Najlepsi hodowcy i producenci bydła mięsnego w 2024 roku

On 31 January there was the XI International Forum of Beef, in which the breeders and other representatives associated with the beef sector. Some breeders have been awarded awards at the National Competition Producer of Meat Cattle Year 2024 year.

Laureates were awarded in three categories: breeders of meat cattle, producer of meat cattle and producer of bass. As confessed at the gala giving the awards to Tomasz Rasinski, vice president of the Polish Association of Meat Cattle producers, the decision to select winners was difficult, because

the level was very high, and the evaluations quite balanced.

XI Forum Sector Beef.

Time changes this opportunity for Poland Sector Beef

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XI Forum Sector

Beef. Time changes this is an opportunity for the Polish Sector Beef

Category breeders:

  • Laureate: Lukasz Karmowski (Radzicz, woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie) reported by Kujawsko-Pomorski Agricultural Advisory Center in Minikow.
  • Distinction: Rafal Nowak (Małocin, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship ) reported by Polish Association of Breeders and Producers of Meat Cattle.
  • Distinction: Arthur Bernatowicz (Marcinowiczki, Dolnośląskie Voivodship)

    reported by Polish

    Association of Breeders and Producers of Meat Cattle.

Category producer subjects:

  • Laureate: Arthur Marciniak (Wichertów, woj. Wielkopolskie) reported by the Polish Association of Beef Meat Producers.
  • Distinction: Katarzyna and Grzegorz Nowatkowscy (Czumsk Mały, woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie) reported by the Polish Association of Breeders and Producers of Meat Cattle.
  • Distinction: Krzysztof, Roman, Jaroslaw

    and Grzegorz Kucharscy

    (Kusowo, province. Western Pomeranian) reported by Polish Association of

    Meat Cattle Producers.

Category producer bands:

  • Leaders: Beata and Dominik Pleśnierowicz (Karolew, war. Lódzkie) reported by the Polish Association of Beef Meat Producers.
  • Honorable mention: Adam, Anna, Krzysztof, Magda and Stanislaw Przybylski (Hansk, woj. Lubelskie) reported by the Polish Association of Meat Cattle Producers.
  • Distinction: Dariusz Chojnicki

    (Chodorążek, violation. Kujawsko-Pomorskie) reported by Kujawsko-Pomorski Agricultural Advisory Center

    in Minikow.

A new in this year was awarded in

the Category Consultant QMP 2024. Prestigious title and award in the amount of 3 thousand. pln was awarded to Agneszka


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