As reported by GUS, in December 2024 year, compared with December 2023 year. recorded higher value of retail sales over the internet at broad prices (by 10.9 percent.). The share of sales by internet in sales “total” increased in December compared with the analogous period of the previous year from 9.4 percent. to 10.2 proc. (at end of November 2024 it was 10.7 proc.). Experts Univio, Ambiscale and BaseLinker explain, what stands behind these indicators.
Cumulations in e-commerce in November
Under in terms of share e-commerce in sales total December 2024 , similar to how this had occurred in the previous several years, had a solid, but worse performance than the previous month. Now this November was the moment of the culminating not only festival promotions and sales around holiday shopping (at the end of
this month e-.Trade stood nearly 11 proc. retail sales ), but also the whole year.
How much internet in trade? E-commerce in Poland has exceeded 10% of share
Sure confirmation of today’s GUS data was also previously published BaseLinker Index, according to which the condition of Poland e-commerce at the end of December was similar as in November.
The industry with big findings has entered the new year. Already in January sellers will count on the effects of winter holiday sales. In context of the whole year – expects further, linear growth e-commerce driven between other and wider application of AI solutions, which on one hand improve the sales process for e-stores, and on the other hand facilitate and personalize the shopping experience of consumers. Still one of the driving forces of the development of Poland e-commerce will be expansion and cross-border sales, which in the last year reported better growth dynamics than those in the domestic market. The further condition e-commerce will also be determined by the consumer scenarios and the inclination of households to increased consumption with increased power to buy thanks to the surplus.Growth of real pay in 2024 year. According to the latest indicator BWUK the consumer economic signals however are positive – new January data GUS show improvement of both present, and as future consumer sentiment, in ratio to December 2024 (this index in January was – 15.1 and was by 1.6 p. proc. higher in relative to December) – explains Piotr Wrzalik – Managing Partner at Univio.
Emil Walczak, director ds. deployments and key Clients at Baselinker emphasizes, that December has proved to be an exceptionally successful month for Poland sellers e-commerce, who recorded an increase in year by nearly 11 percent.
– Also increased its self share e-commerce in total sales. What is important, this increase was not limited only to the number of orders – it also increased the average value of the purchase basket. Particular attention should be turned to the dynamic development of border trade, which also showed strong growth in comparison to December 2023 . This is due to the growing popularity of Polish products and their accessibility on international platforms marketplace like Allegro and eMAG, which enable sales both on the domestic market, as and foreign. It is also worth noting that customers have willingly taken advantage of opportunities such as Cyber Monday, which in this year fell in ear in ear early December, whether the last pre-Christmas promotions, which has significantly affected the results Sales – indicates expert.
Poland e-commerce increasingly smaller out borders
December GUS reading is not only a summary of the season, but also an important indicator of trends, which may shape strategies e-commerce in Poland in 2025 year.
– Growth of online sales can be explained
by the impact of some key factors macroeconomic and technological. The most important are the
development of paying technologies BNPL, and the increase in prices of commodities,
which encourages consumers to move their purchases to the internet in the search for better bargains on price, not available at stationary stores. An important element remains also the progressive digitization of retail – using analytical tools, personalization of offers and automation of ordering processes and frequently are standard in strategies of large retailers internet – considers Tadeusz Rolski, Business Development Manager at Ambiscale.
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Steeply growing pay e-commerce managers
Data from the last report Baselinker Index indicate a dynamic increase in international sales, which is an interesting counterweight to stabilization of domestic sales.
– It suggests that the growing readiness of Poland stores to go into foreign markets and to increase importance cross-border e-commerce. This also signals, that vendors are and better adapting their offers and logistics to the requirements of clients globally. In the coming months we can expect a gradual increase in internet sales total, supportedbyintegrationofmoderntechnologies,suchasartintelligenceandautomation,instrategyofcustomerserviceandinlogistics.The keychallengewillremainhowevermaintaininghighqualityserviceincontextofincreasingexpectationsofconsumersandfieringcompetitionine-commerce-addsTadeuszRolski.
Hisopinionthisdecade’sresultsshow,thate-commerceinPolandremainsa dynamicallydevelopingsector,which,in spiteofthelowconsumereconomy,isdrivenbytechnology.Despiteeconomicchallengestheinternetcommerceremainshighlyresilient,anditsfurtherdevelopmentwilldependonitsabilitytoadapttocustomerneedsandimplementinnovationsinserviceandlogistics.