
This is how much they paid for trading on Sunday. Decision ofthe court.

Tyle zapłacili za handel w niedzielę. Decyzja sądu

The court punished a fine in the amount of 40 tys. PLN to a person managing a large shop of a large chain for asking employees to work in trade on sundays and holidays.

The employer attempted to circumvent the regulations, citing the activity of cultural activities. On the facility of the store he created a “Readers’ Club”, where about 100 books are possible to purchase or borrow. He hoped that it would allow him to except for places conducting cultural activities, which would allow trade on sundays.


Case court and record punishment

Inspectors work did not recognize this argument and referred the case to court. Initially a penalty of 3 thousand zl, but after the defendant’s objection the case went to the district court. This guilty of owning the shop, however the inspector of labor filed an appeal, after which the judgment was repealed and referred for reconsideration.

Finally in December 2024 year. The Regional Court in Tarnowskie Góry found the defendant guilty and imposed a punishment of 40 thousand £ fine. This is the highest penalty imposed by the court in cases of infringement of the trade prohibition on Sundays in the area of the District Inspectorate of Labor in Katowice since 2018 year.

Court: Interpretive doubts do not work to the benefit of the accused

The Court recognized, that the fact of existence interpretive doubts about the law does not justify the breach of the law. – The employer should show sensitivity when making decisions about conducting trade, a not confirm in conviction, that may conductsalesonprohibiteddays-commentedPiotrKalbron,DistrictInspectorofLaborinKatowice,inconversationwithWeeklySolidarity.

The verdictisnotlegal.

Source: The caseis describedbyTygodnikSolidarność(,publishingan interviewwithPiotrKalbron,DistrictInspectorofLaborinKatowice.


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