The lack of communication, translation and building awareness are one of the elements, consisting of a generic protest, that have passed through different states Communities in 2023 and 2024 years. often the origins of the protests, they were different in dependence on national problems, but they are united by the main motif, in abbreviated things by: “Down with Green Lad.”
Time for dialogue with farmers
In September 2023 . President von der Leyen in her origin about the state Union announced Strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture EU, which started in January 2024 . and gathered major stakeholders from the European agricultural food sector, civil society, rural communities and academia in the purpose of achieving common understanding and vision of the future of EU agriculture and food systems. The trades began, and in September we learned the strategy for agriculture, after the so-called trades. both dialogue.
Some proposals were understandable and necessary, others such as promoting reducing consumption of animal protein, whether the pursuit to include agriculture in the ETS – unacceptable.
One of the recommendations of the Dialogue, was to establish the European Council for agriculture. Agriculture and Food, an advisory and opinion-making body, scaling in debate in all elements of the food chain.
EBAF starts activity
In January 2025 the sampling of applications for membership in EBAF, and candidates have been selected.The Board will consist of 30 member organizations representing three categories of stakeholders: the agricultural community, other participants of the food supply chain and civil society, in this areas such as environment and climate, animal welfare and consumer issues. The Group was established with the purpose of ensuring a balanced representation of the three categories. The selected organizations have shown the best appropriate competence and experience in agriculture and food at Union level, and also the wide geographical representation in member states. The full list is available at Register .
There check participants EBAF, who have been approved in January 2025 .
In the opinion of the agricultural community the deliberations of the Strategic Dialogue,
were dominated by .Non-governmental organizations, animal with symbolic participation of agricultural organizations. This is why it may seem to continue
the dialogue in the form of EBAF, since there are participating in almost the same organizations.
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The future of agriculture let farmers decide,
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Already not Green Lad a Strategic Dialogue. Another revolution in agriculture?
EBAF explains KE problems of farmers and producers of food
As informs KE in commercial press: The main tasks of EBAF include giving the Commission advice at high level in strategic changes policy related to the vision of agriculture and food, a also monitoring the report Strategic Dialogue on the future of agriculture EU. Will also support dialogue and facilitate exchange of experiences between its members, with special attention to ensuring consistency and synergy between policies of the Union and their consistency with initiatives of the private sector. Additionally the group will assist the Commission in preparing policy in these areas and present opinions on specificissuesonrequest,respectingthedeadlinesestablishedforsuchcontributions.
Yes,sofromtomorrowwehaveanopinion-making body,whichissupposedtocommunicatethe needsofallpartiesrelatedtofoodproduction.WhetherthisiswhatistoreducebureaucracyintheEUandwhetherCopa-Cogecaor CEJA,EBAFparticipantsexplainfinallyto thecommunity,withwhatproblemsarefacingtodayagriculture?