The Coalition for Cash is an informal network of organizations, whose purpose is to defend cash as the basic means of payment in economic circulation – indicate the organizers of the Coalition, which will submit its postulates in defense of cash on January 16 at the conference in Warsaw wanting to indicate how activities from the state of Poland may actively promote the cash system.
Cash gives Poland People freedom of choice, is a common good and provides security. In a specific way we may have experienced this during the crisis related to the coronavirus and during the explosion war in Ukraine. The events were accompanied by a rapid increase in cash drawals from bank ATMs, the highest in Europe, higher even than in Ukraine.
Citizens are watching with concern the decreasing number of bank ATMs and bank outlets, which provide cash services. Banks are liquidating bank ATMs, which results in the creation of “ATM deserts”. Additionally we have to contend with the procedure of systematically lowering the limits of cash payments from bank ATMs – was written in the invitation to the conference.
It was also indicated that the Final WOŚP in 2024 year the orchestra collected 281 879 118.07 PLN. The final result consisted of payments in cash to cans in the amount of 157 389 843.20 PLN (55.84% of the total amount).
Signatories Manifesto Coalition for Got are: Alfred Bujara, Chairman, National Secretariat of Banks, Trade and Insurance NSZZ “Solidarity”; Jaromir Ćwikła, Director of Div. Legal, Polish Economic Association ; Rafal Górski, President Management, Institute of Civic Affairs ; Conrad Hennig, Director Program, Forum Law for Development; Mariusz Lawyer, Expert, Citizen Accelerator Innovation; Alexander Pawlak, President Management, TavexSp.witho.o.;IlonaPietrzak,Presidentofthe Board,ESGPRO;JubRutkowski,Presidentofthe Board,FoundationInstituteLibertatis;SebastianStodolak,Vice Presidentof theBoard,WarsawEnterpriseInstitute;ArkadiuszSczesniak,PresidentofGovernment,AssociationStopBankingUnlawfulness;AlexandraWrobel,Expert,AssociationEntrepreneursandEmployers.