With beginning 2025 year Gemini Holding, we cooperate with Colliers, signed a lease agreement with a chain of Malaysian non-food discounters, which began in Poland in November or.r. Store MR.DIY in Gemini Park Bielsko-Biala will have close 580 m sq.ft.
- New store MR.DIY will open in the second quarter 2025 year in Bielsko-Biala in the province. Silesian
- The location will be located on the first floor of Gemini Park Bielsko-Biala, and its space will be close to 580 sq.m.
- It will be the fourth location of this rapidly expanding
network in our country. The shop has in assortment of articles for home and making
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Store MR.DIY in Bielsko-Biała
– We are happy, that the brand MR.DYI has recognized the potential of our facility and has selected it as the location of its Joanna Zemczak, Head of Lease in Gemini Holding.
– Gemini Park Bielsko-Biala is a center with family profile, whose customers want to visit shops with items of everyday use. A assortment store MR.DIY will excellent complement our existing offer in this range – adds.
What sells MR.DIY?
MR.DIY can boast a offer of as much 10 categories:
- these are household artifacts,
- numerous tools and tools for making,
- but also decorative items,
- jewelry,
- accessories papers
- and cars,
- a even assortment for pets or toys.
– Gemini Park Bielsko-Biala is one of the most popular shopping centers in Podbeskidz, enjoying great renown and popularity among customers. This is among others because of this we have decided to locate the next store on our network. We are convinced, that our offer will very like you.visitors, who now get in their favorite gallery access to necessary every day articles for the home and apartment offered at very attractive prices – we hear from Magdalena Nazarewicz, director of ds. development business at company MR.DIY POLAND.
The Malaysian trading chain MR.DIY functions in the market since 2005 year and now has over 4,000 stores: in Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Bangladesh, and also in Turkey and Spain, in which together services over 188 million customers annually. Poland is the th th European country, in which
the network has existed, a 13th in the world.
Gemini Park Bielsko-Biala is a shopping and entertainment center located in the
same heart of the Podbeskidzie capital. The 43.5 thousand square sq.m. GLA is filled by over 120 shops.