
They pay almost 60 £ per hour. This is the lowest national from January 2025. People have been going toworkforyears.

Płacą prawie 60 zł za godzinę. To najniższa krajowa od stycznia 2025. Polacy jeżdżą tu do pracy od lat

Since 1 January 2025 year the minimum wage in Germany has increased to 12.82 euros gross per hour (approx. 55 PLN), a threshold for work in the Minijob frame increased to 556 euro gross monthly. In Poland, according to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers, the minimum remuneration for work is 4666 zl gross, a minimum hourly rate for civil contracts is 30.50 PLN. Both changes reflect adjustments to increasing costs of living and changes in the labor market.

The statutory minimum wage in Germany has increased since January 1 2025 year to 12.82 euro gross per hour. The same bottom border pay is by 41 cent higher than in 2024 year. At the same time the threshold for work in the frame so-called. “Minijob” (a form of employment in less full time exempt from wage tax and basic insurance premiums ) increases to 556 euro gross monthly.

Remember, that Germany places in the leading countries in the EU in terms of minimum wages.

The lowest national in Germany in the 

From 1 January 2025 year the statutory minimum wage is 12.82 euros gross per hour – in 2024 year it was to 12.41 euros. In June 2025 year the independent Committee on minimum remuneration will submit its proposals for another amendment of the statutory minimum remuneration.

The government of Germany does not expect that an increase in remuneration would have a negative impact on employment. According to the Committee for the minimum wage. Minimum Wage companies in the last years have performed well to adjust to increasing costs of work.

The Committee for the secondary years has had a negative impact on employment. Minimum Wage is an independent body, which consists of a chairman, after three members representing employers and trade unions and two scientific advisers without right votes. Every two years the Commission submits proposals to government to change the minimum remuneration. The Government must approve this proposal in the decree, in accordance with the provisions of the law on minimum remuneration.

Increase threshold Minijob

From 1 January 2025 year the threshold for remuneration under Minijob also increases, from 538 euro to 556 euro brute. The threshold for so-called small jobs increases with each increase in the minimum wage. Provides that with a higher hourly rate time work does not have to reduce.

The statutory minimum wage in Germany is applicable from 2015 year. The bottom border wage.applies principally to every employee, however there are exceptions, for examples for trainees, people self-employed or performing work on voluntary basis.

Lowest national in Poland 2025

In Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 12 September 2024 . in the issue of the minimum wageforworkandtheminimumhourlyratein2025year,defined,thatfrom1January2025year.minimumremunerationforworkinPoland is4666£gross,aminimumhourlyratefordefinedcivilcontracts-30.50£.

It is worthnoting,thattheamountofminimumremunerationestablishedintheRegulationoftheCouncilofMinistersfora givenyearappliestoemployeesemployedonafulltime


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