Due to tax regulations entrepreneurs, who want to donate surplus products also to charitable organizations must pay additional costs related to VAT. Poland Isba Trade has returned for the next time to Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański in the issue of eliminating this discharge.
During the biggest charity event in Poland, the final of the Great Christmas Help, the Poland Chamber of reminds, That help is needed also on every day. “For the needy every item is important, so the key is to enable entrepreneurs to make economically profitable donations
of unsold products industry” – add representatives of the Chamber.
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A large part of unsold industrial articles is in ideal condition, to be donated to charitable causes. These are for example clothing, textiles or hygiene products .
Although there is a large demand for this type of support, these products are sent for recycling, which from the perspective of the entrepreneur is now more profitable than paying VAT tax on transferred donations.
Restriction of tax relief to donations only selected groups of products (currently exemptions from VAT apply because only easily perishable food articles, some equipment IT and a narrow range of products designed to fight coronavirus, as also goods designed for refugees from Ukraine or also for flood victims) is a solution not complete – in the actual situation various categories of products may be needed by all, who find themselves in need or will need help in the future.
– We firmly stake the position, that the problem of taxation VAT of donations of industrial products should be solved systemically, which is why we have asked.to this issue to the Ministry of Finance – comments President of Polish Trade Maciej Ptaszynski. We would not be the first country to decide to eliminate the tax on gifts. The EU directive on tax VAT allows member states to introduce exemption from tax in the case of giving
products to organizations for public benefit. These solutions are operating in already some countries in the European Union (including. in Spain and
Belgium), in which there have been no found irregularities resulting from implemented releases – he adds.
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Tax on gifts – opinion of the European Commission
The problem is also often recognized by the European Commission. Under the end of the year the new Commissioner for the county. taxes Wopke Hoekstra mentioned the possibility of introducing fiscal incentives for consumers and their suppliers, like his predecessor,PaoloGentiloni,inthestatementof11November2024.concerningpossiblechangesintheregulationsonVAT”inordertodiscouragethedestructionofgoodgoods,whicharestillingood condition.”KEnotes,thattheissuehasnotonlyaneconomicandsocialdimension,butalsoanenvironmental