
They are flooding us with cheap from Germany? Everyone has heard, nobody hasseen.

Zalewają nas tanie tuczniki z Niemiec? Każdy słyszał, nikt nie widział

Reports on the subject of trains with German trucks have appeared from some sites. In some talk generally about German livestock, in others that these animals are originating from an area infested with flu. It is difficult to uniquely answer the question whether such situations actually have and are occurring, a if yes then what were their scale and impact on the market. Today we are waiting for data from the General Inspectorate of Veterinary Medicine on the quantity of food that has entered from early year in the country. Analyzing such data will be possible to draw some conclusions. Thus we decided to ask the market –

such processors, how and breeders look from their perspective the described situation.

Minister Kołodziejczak

notifies UOKiK about possible price fixing in market tutors

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Kolodziejczak will notify UOKiK about possible price-fixing in the tunnel market

Supplies stuck, but Polish fluid

As told to us by a representative of one of the facilities, there is a increased supply of fluid, not these are only fluid Polish:

– I work with three slaughterhouses totaling over 20 thousand. animals per day. In fact, as recently as two weeks ago these plants worked at level 80 proc. capacity for production. Today there are no queues, but the military lines are working full steam. However in my opinion this is due to the large import of tunnels from Germany, a from the panique that has existed in the domestic market. A and this panic is related not only to the flu in Germany, but also to earlier cuts in prices. Just every one who wanted to get pets in fear of further discounts – said our interviewer.

The elements are coming. And this is not from today

from the other as we were learned at an other meat plant, the problem of low prices is to be sought not in the crowd of expensive fat from Germany, but in the conducted already for some months mass import into Poland of elements originating in Germany.From this country. I this argument seems sensible, especially, that the decline in Poland and the growing price disparity between Poland, and Germany we have observed not for a week, or two, but for at least since the turn of October and November. How is it possible, that despite the significantly higher price of food in Germany Poland factories pay

to import meat from the west? To this question no one wanted to us officially answer, although in cultures they talk about this,

that the prices offered by companies have already some time been significantly distancing from the recommended by association VEZG price for


Janusz Terka: Must close the border. The Germans have not explained the situation, a flu that is a huge threat.

Read more

Janusz Terka: It’s necessary to close the border. The Germans have not explained the situation, a flu is a huge threat

Let’s focus on factual problems

To however not focus on on the voice of processors we asked for an opinion on this issue Bartosz Carniak, breeding tribe and spokesperson of PZHiPTCh Polsus:

– For me the voices talking about the riding to us with German tourists from the zone infested with pepsis, this is only an attempt to exist in the media. There is no present confirmation, that such situations are occurring. The legislation on the regionalization of animal movement from restricted areas in the EU has been established already many years ago and are same as ASF-.u, as and as pray. We may not like the fact of import into Poland, but legally imported into Poland animals have the right to enter. A such insinuations only undermine the confidence in the Veterinary Inspection, whose task is to inspect transports in entering the country. I would not concern myself with the problem of

the illegal entry into the country of transporters. Let’s focus better on that, why in Poland the prices are about 60 groats from the

German price – said to us Carniak.


I agree we must with our concern. Panic created on the basis of unconfirmed information

doesnotservethepublic,beforeallthebreeders themselves.Wewellknow,thattheresultingfromita suddenincreaseindemandcanonlyhurtfarmers.


Badpricesoffattenants,butisjustifiedthereisnowaimport banofpigsandmeatfromGermany?



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