
These two factors may bury the Polish poultry industry. Fears oftheindustryare growing.

Te dwa czynniki mogą pogrzebać polskie drobiarstwo. Obawy branży rosną

Rising concerns of European poultry

– The Agreement with Mercosur will have for the Polish poultry industry very serious consequences, devastating at even. We cannot agree to such situation, in where we import products that do not meet requirements, which must be met by poultry producers in the European Union. We are not in capable of meeting such competition. This will also have a very negative impact on consumers accustomed to European standards – emphasizes in conversation with agency Newseria Dariusz Goszczynski, president of the National Poultry

Council – Board of Economics.

Prices of poultry in 2025 year.

What does experts predict?

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Ceny skup poultry w 2025

year. What does experts predict?

Mercosur a poultry market in EU

The European Commission and Leaders of four countries Mercosur – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay – announced 6 December 2024 year agreements on partnership.The Poland Institute of International Affairs reminds, that the KE intends to proceed the trade part separately, which means, that it will require a majority qualified in Council EU and a simple in the European Parliament. In the Council it may in including the against countries with developed agricultural and food sectors, in including Poland, the Netherlands and Ireland. These countries – criticizing the results of negotiations to date- argue, that their farmers may seriously suffer from due to increased import of cheaper products from South America, m. meat, including poultry, among others.

Two contingents of poultry meat from Mercosur

The agreement provides for two contingents to EU  (one for meat with bone and the other for meat without bone) with a total volume of 30 tys. t in the first year of the contract. Stepwise in subsequent years it will increase to total level 180 tys. ton in the sixth year.

180 tys. t is the production of Finland, Denmark and Sweden together, so this is very large.contingent – estimates Dariusz Goszczynski.

The European Association of Producers, Importers and Exporters of Poultry Meat AVEC informs, that already 25 percent of meat from chicken beasts. meat from chicken breasts consumed byThe proposed additional quota from Mercosur means, that together the EU would import 1.1 million t of poultry meat, which stands about 7-8 percent of EU production.

– From one side we have the Green Land, we have a strategy “From the field to the table”, which forces on our producers very high standards. One already in this minute are the highest in the world, and procedures are coming, other regulations still increasing whether this is animal welfare, or issues related to the Impact on the environment. In implementing the contract with Mercosurem, we do not require this from products, which will come to us . Our producers will not be in able to be competitive with this policy – indicates the president of KRD-IG.

What with food security ?

AVEC assesses, that the agreement with Mercosur could have catastrophic effects on European food security, sustainable development and farmers. If the EU continues to adopt higher standards, while allowing imports from countries with lower standards, it will sabotage its own producers. This agreement threatens to undermine the strategic autonomy of the EU and exposes to risk both farmers, as and consumers. That’s why the National Poultry Council – Bean and other poultry organizations gathered in AVEC have requested to block its entry into life.

Food security is not given time forever. We think, that Europe is self-sufficient. In the moment, when we introduce so unequal conditions for competition, our producers in Poland, but and in the whole Union Europe will restrict production, because they will not be able to compete. In relation to

Poultry from Ukraine

A threat to EU poultry producers is also liberalization of trade with Ukraine. Regulation ATM, that is the mechanism restricting the import of Ukrainian poultry to 137 thousand t, is only until 5 June 2025 year.

– Regulation.this must be replaced quickly with a new agreement. We expect that the Ukrainian party will also expect a widespread opening of the EU market for their products, similar to products from Mercosur not meeting all requirements, which must be met by European producers – assesses Dariusz Goszczynski.

As he points out, in the case of Ukrainian poultry the quota should be 90 tys. t, that is the that was in force until 2022 year. According to experts, contingents established under the agreement with Mercosur countries or with Ukraine should be “common sense”, to not threaten EU producers. Particularly that the choices of consumers may not depend much – buyers often may not even know that the purchased meat doesn’t come from the EU. Of how when selling fresh poultry in sales at retail it is required to indicate its origin, in the case of processed and delivered products there is no such obligation . Imported poultry often tends to restaurants or as an ingredient of prepared dishes.

We know, that Ukrainian meat traffics to facilities in the Netherlands, where it is packaged and goes to other countries, so in practice the consumer is hard to diagnose, whether it is meat produced in the European Union,oroutside.VerylotsofmeatgoesintothechannelHoReCa,whereitisalsohardforconsumersto assesstheactualoriginofthisproduct.We demandthattheEUregulationsprovidecleardistinction,showingthis,whethertheproducthasbeenmadeintheEuropeanUnion,whetherthemeatoriginatesfromtheEuropeanUnion;UnionEuropean Union,oroutsideit – emphasizesthePresidentKRD-IG.

Polandisthefirstin EUproducerofpoultry meatand thirdintheworldexporter.In2023yearwe exported1.7milliontofpoultrymeatwith valueofover4billioneuros.



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