In stores commonly available are dietary supplements. Manufacturers praise their effect, however decidedly not all have the promised in advertisements “miraculous” properties. Some supplements usually don’t work.
- Diet supplements are commonly available at pharmacies, but also in shops
- People reach for not willingly and often without consultation with a doctor
- which however important not all supplements work, how they promise advertisements
- The market Supplements diet in Poland is growing dynamically: in 2022 year the market (pharmacy and non-pharmacy) of diet supplements increased
by nearly 12 percent.
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Dietary supplements. Experts recommend caution
Supplement diet – as the sanitary services – is a food product, containing vitamins, mineral nutrients or other substances, which have a nutritional effect or other physiological, whose purpose is to supplement in the organism without deficiency of a specific component.
What is important, the differences between a diet supplement and a drug are significant. A diet supplement is a drug is a medicinal product.
– A diet supplement is not a medicine. It does not prevent disease and does not cure you with diet supplements. “For vision”, “for liver”, “strengthening immunity” – independent of advertising supplements diet does not cure or does prevent disease, because they do not have the properties of medicines. Some components found in drugs also occur in dietary supplements. In this case their concentration/concentration is however lower, therefore which does not exhibit therapeutic – experts warn.
However advertisements of supplements tempt and promise “miraculous” effects. On the list of supplements, before which experts warn are included, among others:
- preparations multivitamins – it appears that is.They show low absorption and the presence of artificial additives. The better solution is to obtain unnecessary nutrients from a varied diet;
- probiotics – often contain inappropriate quantities and type of bacteria, therefore the definitely healthier solution is to use products rich in living cultures of bacteria (yogurt, kefir, silage);
- biotin – often appears in preparations used for hair, skin and nails. However, its use may lead to a deficiency of other vitamins, therefore a better idea may be to apply a complex vitamin of the group B;
- vitamin C – its excess is removed from the organism, so it does not benefit, on which we count;
- collagen – not all preparations available on the market with collagen have good components;
- preparations for cleaning the organism – many of these do not have scientific confirmation of their effectiveness;
- preparations for burning fat – their effectiveness is small;
- phosphorus –
on every day we take phosphorus in large amounts and it should be reduced;
- silver colloidal – similarly, as in
other components, yes and here is no studies confirming its effectiveness.
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Diet supplements. Principles
Sanitary services remind:
- Don’t direct only advertising! Product does not have to be appropriate and safe for you. May interact with the drug, which you are taking.
- The decision to use diet supplements should be made consciously and responsibly, preferably after consultation with a specialist.
- Supplementation should be done individually and rationally, and the basis should be a properly balanced diet. Inappropriate diet – does not.enough, that they do no benefit – they may even might harm.
- When buying a product found in the non-pharmacy sale, check whether you are taking a dietary supplement, which has been declared for introduction in Poland by the General Inspector of Sanitary on website www.rejestrzp.gis.gov.pl
- Particular caution when using supplements diet should be observed by persons taking drugs (e.g. in chronic diseases). These include those who receive drugs , among others. Persons older, who because of their deteriorating health state are frequently using specified type of medication. Also people planning surgical procedures should not use supplements diet without consulting with a doctor, because this may be an obstacletothesafeperformanceofsometreatments(e.g.influencingthecoagulationoftheblood).In additiontothis,dietsupplementscontainsometimesthe sameactivesubstancesasmedications.Thereforetakingbothtypesofproducts,thesesubstancescanbeoverdosed,whichwilladverselyaffectthestateofhealth.