
These regulations will hit we owners heating houses with pellets and coal. From whenwill they come in?

Te przepisy uderzą we właścicieli ogrzewających domy pelletem i węglem. Od kiedy wejdą?
  • The MMC published in RCL “Draft law on amending the law on the monitoring system and controlling quality of fuel and the law on National Administration of Treasury”.
  • In practice this means that all fuel from outside the EU, a biomass based will have to pass not only customs control, but they will also be inspected under quality requirements, for the purpose of releasing for sale in Poland.
  • How will legal changes affect the sale of coal and pellets for heating homes in 2025 year? There is no what there is to seek, restricting the supply of cheaper pellets and fuel taken into  Poland market, it will certainly affect the increase in prices of fuel for heating the home.  
  • In short, hits on import of cheaper fossil fuel, intended for living in households or fuel installations with nominal heat power less than 1 MW.
  • It means that that the market already will not buy cheaper, worse quality pellets and briquettes wood, torfs, but also fuel carbons incoming from foreign borders.  
  • MKiŚ chce ustanowić zakaz wprowadzania do obrotu i obejmowania procedurą celną dopuszczenia do obrotu biopaliw stałych niespełniających wymagań oraz wybranych rodzajów biopaliw stałych (dla których nie wystawiono świadectwa jakości biopaliwa stałego oraz biopaliw stałych tj. balots straw and other biomass from agriculture such, as grasses, flowers, stalks, leaves, fibers, hulls, crops, seeds, grains, seeds, cobs, pulp, feeds, pulp and their mixtures and mixes).

Why does MMC want to restrict imports of cheap coal and pellets from outside EU?

The MCC published in RCL “Draft law on amending the law on the monitoring system and controlling quality of fuel and the law on National Administration of the Fiscal Code.”

In short, it affects on the import of cheaper fossil fuels, for the life in households or fuel installations with nominal heat power less than 1 MW. In practice, means that that the market will no longer buy cheaper, worse quality pellets and briquettes wood, torfors but, also coal fuel from from outside EU.

The authors of the proposed law argue that the changes in the law are necessary to improve the quality of Poland’s air by applying to heating purposes appropriate quality fuels adapted to this purpose. heating appliances will contribute to reducing emissions of air pollution, a same health and lives of citizens.

New requirements imposed on solid fuel based on biomass are intended to help achieve the tightened in the framework adopted on October 14 2024 . Directive on the quality of air and cleaner air for Europe (AAQD) standard of air quality.

The annual average level of air pollution must be reduced in Poland for dust PM10 from 40 μg/m3 to 20 μg/m3, a for dust PM2.5 from 25 μg/m3 to: 

  • I phase/ 20 μg/m3;
  • II phase to 10 μg/m3.

The changes in the law are also dictated by  the necessity of fulfilling the CJEU recommendation. pollution of air – in the case of complaint C-336/16 of the European Commission against the Poland TSUE in Luxembourg ruled, that Poland has violated the law of the European Union in the quality of air, among others.Among other things, for

exceeding the allowable values of concentration PM10.

Changes in the law are also to help to fulfill

reduction obligations in the Directive of the Parliament and Council 2016/2284 of December 14 2016 .

on reduction of domestic emissions of some types of atmospheric pollutants, amending Directive 2003/35/EC and repealing Directive 2001/81/EC.

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Ceny of-pellets in 2025. Homeowners may wait for shock

What changes does want to make, what to trading and selling pellet and coal imported from abroad? 

The “bill on amending the law on the monitoring system and controlling quality of fuel and the law on the National Fiscal Administration ” constitutes the continuation of work related to The entry into the implementation of the Regulation on quality standards for solid fuel from biomass

The Mission will not only make significant changes in the law on  system of monitoring and controlling quality of fuel (OJ. U. of 2024 year position 1209, with late modification.), but also and serious in the law of the day of 16 November 2016 year, of National Administration of Fiscal (Dz.U. of 2023 year, item 615, with late amendments). What are the exact changes?

First, the Ministry of the Environment wants to introduce regulations and regulations, which will cause solid fuel from biomass (pellet wood, torches, briquettes), imported from foreign countries, will be subject to customs procedure for release into traffic, if these fuels are intended for use in home farms or fuel installations with nominal heating power less than 1 MW actually functioning system monitoring and controlling quality of fuels.

In practice this means that all fuel is outside the EU, a based on biomass will have to pass not only customs control, but also and will be inspected for quality requirements, in the purpose of adopting for sale in Poland

what more, the MMC wants to introduce tools for appropriate officials, in this customs service to test also the quality of pellets, briquettes, torfs into the Polish market outside the EU.

In to introduce these changes, MKiŚ wants to revise and define these:

  • solid fuel in the circle of solid fuel with biomass and introduce definition of solid fuel;
  • qualitative requirements for individual types of solid fuels;
  • the procedure for introduction into trading and for target procedure for admission to trading of solid fuels that do not

    meet requirements;

  • regulations establishing a model quality certificate of solid fuel;
  • rules of sampling and methods of testing of solid fuel imported from abroad.

The MEC also wants to strengthen the activity of services involved in the inspection of solid fuels.  This will rely on the creation of

additional offices in the National Fiscal Administration, Office of Protection of Competition and Consumers and provincial Inspectorates Inspection of Commerce.

These will sensor only and only over the quality of pellets, torfs, briquettes and coal influenced from outside the EU to Poland. 

If the inspected assortment passes inspections and obtains quality certificates of solid fuel then will be allowed to sell in Poland.

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What is the plan to restrict the introduction of  pellets and coal, not meeting the requirements on the Polish market? 

Solutions to these were  included in  “Draft law on amending the law on the monitoring system and controlling quality of fuel and the law on National Fiscal Administration “, which have been included in the writing.

The MCC wants to implement the following regulations:

  • zdefiniować biopaliwa stałe – zapewnią to zmiany w ustawie o systemie monitorowania i kontrolowania jakości paliw
  • wprowadzić wymagania jakościowe dla całkowicie nowej kategorii paliw definiowanych jako „biopaliwa stałe” i objęciu tych paliw stałych aktualnie funkcjonującym systemem monitorowania i kontrolowania jakości paliw,
  • change the definition of solid fuel in biomass and introduce definition of biofuels solid,
  • ustanowić zakaz wprowadzania do obrotu i obejmowania procedurą celną dopuszczenia do obrotu biopaliw stałych niespełniających wymagań oraz wybranych rodzajów biopaliw stałych (dla których

    nie wystawiono świadectwa jakości biopaliwa stałego oraz biopaliw stałych tj. balots straw and other biomass from agriculture such, as grasses, flowers,

    stalks, leaves, fibers, hulls, crops, seeds, grains, seeds, cobs, pulp, feeds, pulp and their mixtures and mixtures);

  • introduce certificates of

    quality of solid fuel,

  • establish new rules of sampling and methods of testing of solid fuel for control of their quality;
  • introduce punitive regulations and pecuniary penalties for trading pellets and coal not meeting the quality requirements.

Amendment in the Law on National Administration of Tax is to enable the control of solid fuel, imported from outside the EU to Poland for fuel installations with nominal heat power less than 1 MW, including farms domestic. This also affects coal fuel.

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This change uders in owners of-stoves on gas. Od stycznia wchodzą nowe zasady

Restrykcje nie ominą też węgla opałowego sprowadzanego spoza UE do Polski

MKiŚ w “Projekcie ustawy o zmianie ustawy o systemie monitorowania i kontrolowania jakości paliw oraz ustawy o Krajowej Administracji Skarbowej” nie ograniczyło się do objęcia restrykcjami zagranicznych pelletów, briquettes, torfs produced from biomass. 

Carbon fuel imported outside the EU also will be subject to quality and customs control, thanks to changes in the law on the monitoring and control quality of fuel. 

The MCC wants to make the following changes in the law about the monitoring system and controlling quality of fuel in to reduce import of low quality fuel by:

Making changes in Article. 7 paragraphs 7a and paragraphs. 8 of the law in extending the prohibition of introducing into trading and proceduring customs for allowing into trading fuel solid such as torf and coal stone, briquettes or pellets containing at least 85 % of brick coal and products in solid form received in

the thermal process of treatment or brick coal, for which no quality requirements are specified in the Regulation on quality

requirements for solid fuels, issued on the basis of art. 3a paragraph. 2 of the system of monitoring andcontrollingqualityoffuel.

Inpracticemeansthatimportedfor example.fromtheeast, cheapassortmentsofcoalfuel,likebriquettes,”eco-powder”,anotmeetingqualitystandardswillnotbeapprovedand withdrawnfromtradinginPoland. 



The ECCwillconductfurtherworkontheDraftoftheActonthesystemofmonitoringandcontrollingqualityoffuelandtheActontheNationalAdministrationof the Treasury”.The MCCplanstheentryofnewregulationsforIIquarter2025year.



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