
There is another, th in this year focus of the bluetongue disease.

Jest kolejne, trzecie w tym roku ognisko choroby niebieskiego języka

The third focal disease of blue tongue was recorded in the location Osina, located in the county of Goleniów, in Western Pomeranian Province, that is precisely here the second focal disease occurred this year .

The number of animals in the focus of disease is 42 pc, a number of animals with positive PCR results to 3 pcs. Similar to the previous exist there serotype 3 of the virus. Of the total number of 146 stocks of cattle in three

this year’s focus of the disease, the presence of virus was found on on 5 stocks.

Disease blue tongue -

which stada are most affected, how to protect and what with vaccinations

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Disease blue language

– -which herds are most exposed, how to protect and what with vaccinations

On count 10 focus BT

Till this time there have been total 10 focus disease of blue tongue, which were located in the provinces: Dolnoslaskie, Western Pomeranian and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. Of 285 stocks of cattle in all focuses to date, a positive result was established in 34 stocks.

Presented below is a map of BT focuses in Poland and the

actual range of

areas, which are not free from BTV infection and

are not covered

by the elimination program.

Source: GIW Source:

GIW Second focus disease blue tongue from beginning 2025. Uncertain symptoms in animalsReadmore


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