- In many counties in the country have successfully obtained legal permits for application of nitrogen in ozymes, many counties and TUZs.
- Wet soil little where allow the entry of heavy equipment. Must beware of field conditions, as the made deep levels at this stage will remain until the harvest.
In accordance with the so-called. the nitrate program a detailed “Program of measures to reduce contamination of water with nitrates originating from agricultural sources and prevent further contamination” may apply fertilizers in the period from 1 to last day of February, , if in the case of plants seeded in autumn, permanent crops, perennial and persistent green crops average daily temperature of air passes the threshold of 3°C, a
for other crops the average day temperature of air will pass threshold 5°C.
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Saletrosan, saletra or urea? Each form of nitrogen will act at a different time
The passage through the threshold of a given temperature is the time, in which each day, for 5 subsequent after same days, the average day temperature exceeded relatively 3°C or 5°C over 95% of a given county.
If a given threshold is exceeded, on the map
the counties “light up” in yellow for threshold 3°C and in green for threshold 5°C. Data this is also published
in tabularized version.
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Resort agriculture refers into the-eventual change in theThe nitrate program
which valid announced at one time criteria will not disappear already by the end of February, even then if the weather changes and then the expressive cooling occurs.
That’s why farmers of counties marked in yellow can already select in dates and adjust note fertilization to field conditions.
Field conditions dictate their conditions
Today although legally many counties can already go with spreaders in fields, that in practice few where that is possible. The soil after yesterday’s rainfall is soaked with water, and the lack of frost prevents driving heavy equipment in the field. This may however change in the few upcoming days as there are predicted
slight frosts, which may allow to cut
the surface layer of soil and therefore enable this treatment of fertilization without creating deep columns and destroying the structure of soil.
Source: IMGW-PIB
Will farmers go with azote in ozima?
The approach to this topic has varied. Generally farmers see, that after the first particularly the throw through winter crawling vegetation and already in autumn showed characters of no nitrogen deficiency. That’s why some agricultural producers will try to earn early to supply nitrogen to support planting potential. They often adopt this tactic, that at this stage to not stimulate the plant too physiologically (so that it doesn’t harden to good) they decide to fer to fertilizers slightly slower acting.
From the other side to these decisions they are forced by the fact, a proper observation of water conditions this season. Unfortunately this winter does not belong to periods, where water
was too much and some farmers are worried, that there will be a shortage of water after winter and we are awaiting another
dry spring. Water because is necessary for the dissolution of granules and the displacement for the time released from fertilizer ions.
is also guaranteed the high effectiveness of fertilizers.
In parts of the country can already apply nitrogen in ozymes. Willwaitwithfertilizersornot? Manyfarmersalsoarepreparingforfuturefertilizationwithnitrogenby applyingfor example.dailymagnesium sulfate,whichshouldbespreadonapproximately2weeksbeforenitrogenfertilization. Inthenearestdaysthereisforecastcooling,hencemanyindicationsthattherewillbeforsometimethenewcountieshighlightedinyellow.