
There is a growing tax on real estate. From 1 January 2025 year, the rules have changed .

Rośnie podatek od nieruchomości. Od 1 stycznia 2025 r. zmieniły się zasady
  • With with the the next year the obligation to pay new tax on real estate. The deadline of the first installment is 15 March 2025 year.
  • The tax rate is different in different municipalities, but unsatisfied will be those who have to pay tax for facilities . The rates for not are because they are even 10 times larger than for a large house.
  • Such situation, according to the Ombudsman of Civil Rights, raises large doubt. He believes that it is not necessary to lose from the view of the necessity of the legislator’s pursuit to ensure reasonableness and proportionality in shaping tax regulations. This is why is waiting for the Ministry of Finance.

The tax on real estate is increasing. Changed Rules

With the summer of the new year appeared the obligation to pay new tax on real estate. It is a very common local donation, which must be paid by people who own land, apartments or different type buildings.

Tax on real estate are taxed:

  • buildings or their parts,
  • land,
  • buildings, which are not buildings, or their parts related to conduct business activities.

As informs portal, it does not apply to agricultural land or plots, unless they are occupied for conducting economic activities. It is worth knowing, that since 1 January 2025 years, the definitions of construction facilities have changed.

Until the past, the tax regulations, referred to definitions in the construction law. From 2025 on the requirement to

tax on real estate the building and construction were described in the Act on taxes and local fees – explains

the government website.

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Building and building. In the new annex to the law along  28 items

Building is among others, a structure: built in aThe result of construction work including with installations, permanently bonded to the ground, having roofs and foundations.

Temporary structures have been divided into some groups of construction objects, which have been constructed in resulting of construction works. Construction are such as. objects that are not buildings, enumerated in the new annex number 4 to the Act on taxes and local fees (contains on 28 items), wind power plants, nuclear power and photovoltaic plants, biogas plants, storage energy, connections and plumbing equipment, including those serving treatment or collection of wastewater.

The tax rate on construction is

2 percent of its value – reports

As early as 15 March br. the deadline for

the first installment of real estate tax on real estate must be paid primarily by physical persons (i.e. ordinary owners

of nbsp. houses and other properties standing on their lots) and persons legal (e.g. companies).

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The rates of property tax are different in different municipalities. They are established by municipal councils in their resolutions. What is important, the upper borders of taxes are determined annually in announcement by the minister of finance. It is also worth knowing, that the law on taxes and local fees provides many exemptions from real estate tax, and councillors may

make other exemptions.

Persons physical pay tax ratively, at deadlines by 15 March, 15 May, 15 September and 15 November of a given

year. No may divide the payment in installments, if the amount of tax doesn’t exceed 100 zł. As informed, in individual cities and municipalities to homes have already good officials, who will deliver the decision of local authorities to count the tax.

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Owners of buildings will pay 10 times more. The ratepershedhigherthanperhouse

Fromthetaxonpropertiesinmostcasesthereisnodaand15Marchtheownerswillhavetopay again.Butafterthenexttimetherewillbesatisfiedthose,whomustpay taxforfacilities.Theratesfornotbecauseeven10foldmorethanforalargehouse.SucharethePolishregulations…

Readmoreon: PortalSamorządowy


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