In the 2023 – 2024 years season the new historical boundary has been achieved and up covered , because Madrid Real became the first football club in the world , generating more than $1 billion in revenue .
Deloitte has published the twenty eighth annual ranking of the most revenue generating football clubs in the world. In total money levels clubs generated record revenues of 11.2 billion euros in 2023 to 2024 years , i.e.
Another value , in 2023 – 2024 years, money levies clubs received receipts from translations ($4.3 bn in 2023 and 2024 in 2024 . euro) did not increase, because every one of the “big ticket” remained in the most circle of translation as and the previous season. The “Big Pennet” levels entered or will enter a period of relatively stable revenue from translations due to long long intermedia media agreements up until 2027 .
In the revenue generation models there is a clear difference between the both 2023 – 2024 years of cash conditions on the side. For clubs in the top 10 clubs, the dominant source of revenue is commercial revenue, which accounts 48In contrast, transport is the main revenue factor for 11-20 local clubs which accounts for 47 percent of total revenue. Both clubs sets generated 18 percent of total revenue as of the match day.
As mentioned, Madrid Real was the first football club, which earned over 2023 to 2024 years a season earning more than 1 billion euros and is at the peak of the 2025 years Money clause. Following the completion of the Bernabeu stadium renovation works, revenue per match day rose to 248 million euros, that is 103 percent more than in the preceding season. The club also reported an increase of 20 percent in the commercial revenue (from 403 to 482 million in the season .The increase was driven by increased sales of attributes and new revenue from advertising on the shirt handle.
The highest revenue generating club in England remained Manchester City, which reported 838 million .The difference between the two best money levels of clubs in 2023 – 2024 years in the season was 208 million.The euro and is the absolute highest (previous record: 84 million .
Several clubs identified the impact of investment in infrastructure as the main driver of revenue growth. For example, Liverpool (€715 million) and Lyon Olympique (€264 million) are the main drivers of revenue growth.The projects received benefits from such projects due to the higher number of visitors and non match day facilities. FC Barcelona fell to sixth place in the world football club rankings after that, when revenue decreased from 800 to 760 million .The decrease was due to 63 million. euros decreased revenue from match days because home matches were played at Estadi Olimpic Olimpic Lluis Companis Stadium, which has almost half the fewer places than Spotify Camp Nou, which is being redeveloped at the time. However, it is expected that the club will return to Spotify Camp Nou stadium during this year (all stadium works should be completed by the season 2026 -2027 ), therefore in the upcoming seasons it will expect to receive more match days and commercial revenue.
Four of the ten best Money Levels of the clubs indicated, that retail trade and revenue are the main factors of revenue growth in 2023 – 2024 years. The opportunity to generate additional commercial revenues in the past years by activating the commercial brand allowed football clubs such as Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool to maintain the the the the Tenham and Liverpool the the the Top Top Tennis , of AC Milan – 13 place,despite losing the profit of the UEFA Champions League translations revenue.
As and in earlier years, sporting results played a important role in the financial impulse. In the 2023 – 2024 season it has promoted clubs such as Arsenal (717 million euros), Dortmund Borussia (514 million euros), Newcastle (372 million euros), Norway (514 million euros), Newcastle (372 million euros) and Newcastle Newcastle (372 million euros), which have all been able to increase their financial strength. Euro) and Aston Villa (310 million Euro) to increase revenue by participating in the EUFA Events and improving the indoor performances which resulted in a greater distribution of translation income. In contrast, Juventus (€356 million) has been reduced by Juventus (€356 million).The Juventus from 11 to 16 place, which is the lowest rating of the club in the history of Money levels following this, when 2023 2023 – 2024 years in the season it was not in European football. The Club reported that general revenue decreased by 18 percent while translation revenue decreased by 37 percent (€58 million euro). Although not all of these projects are connected with football clubs,This reflects the increased focus of the city on the development of stable and various income streams through stadiums used on not match days.
The “Big Pennet” European Leagues are entering a period of average translation revenue stability , and it is expected that only the Premier League and the League will lead to a significant increase of international law . Therefore, another essential improvement could result from increasing the number of matches played by clubs by introducing new format of the in its competitions.This can be expected due to 2024 -2025 years season of EUFA clubs rules changes and the 2025 years June -July months of the expanded FIFA clubs world tour.
Financially the expanded UEFA requirements will increase the levies of European clubs that do not belong to the “grand penet “big pencil” ,The capacity to generate revenue will because more teams will be in the league stage in which more matches are played. According to a Deloitte analysis, excluding the number of playoff matches, when the Champions League is won, revenues may increase by about 15 million in the Federation of Independent Football Associationsin theLeague.euro,comparedwiththeearlierformat(UEFAEuropeanLeague:about8millioneuroandUEFAEuropeanConferenceLeague:about3 million euro). Similarly, it is expected that theFIFAWorldClubTourwillgreatlyincreasetherevenueofthosenonEuropeanclubs.
Butthere is a needtoreconciletheoptimisationofrevenueandtheplayerswellbecauseThe impact of the increased workload of the crunch is recognised by manystakeholders. Clubs such as MadridReal,ManchesterCityandFlamengowhichwillparticipate in theFIFAWorldClubsTourthisyear,In the 2024-2025yearsseasonthepotentiallycanplay68,74and87matches respectively.
In October 2024FIFProEuropefiledanofficialcomplainttotheEuropeanUnionontheinternationalmatchschedule.Ifthechallengesarenotresolved,thereisafinancialriskiftheprofessionaluniondoes notvotein favour of thestreakinthefutsalseason.
Withthegoverningbodiesintroducingnewcompetitionsorchangingtheformatoftheexistingcompetitions,therelativeweightofsportingperformancewouldincreasewhentheclubs’financialsuccess is considered. All of thebestperformingclubsattheMoneylevelusedhistoricalandpresentsuccessonthefieldascatalyststoincreasethebrand ofglobalsportandentertainment.
Produced based on information fromDeloitteNews source