
The war of the harvesters, that is where they came from.

Wojna żniwiarzy, czyli skąd się wzięły żniwiarki

We have looked at “Informers Agriculture” already on more than one occasion, checking the old prices of agricultural machinery and based on GUS data calculating how quantities of agricultural food would have to sell, to buy. This time, though to Agriculture we will also go back significantly further into the past, even to the end of the XVIII century, to trace the emergence of modern in the market of agricultural machinery, which was the machine for harvesting of grain.

Early technologies of harvesting cereals

History should properly begin from old technologies of harvesting cereals. Although it is said that the first primitive harvesters could have already been encountered in ancient Rome, for many consecutive centuries these machines were extremely rarely common, may be just very expensive. In small family farms still in the second half of the XX century it was not ordinary to harvest cereals for the cos or sheep. Who of us self has not experienced it, perfectly knows this technology from tales of parents or grandparents. Although

I was born in the 90s, my grandfather also taught to mow the scythe and to stick

or sharpen the axe.

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Returning to crawlers, their early models were mowers extended with a mechanism for rejecting scraped material. It is difficult to determine uniquely about this one first construction whether it is a mower, or that is a reaper, because often they were local constructors, who either didn’t patent their devices, or were doing this only in the territory of their country. From this also because of how many sources, how many inventors of these devices, therefore we will look at some of these.

Pioneers of mechanization of the harvest

beginning with mowers, because it is likely their modification were the early harvesters, according to British sources the first of these was patented on 31 August 1830 in Edwin Budding of the village Eastington in Gloucestershire. What interesting, also his invention was.key setting, patented 12 years later. It would however have to specify, that we are probably talking

about a specified modification of an already existing previous device, when – as we establish

in following capitals – that existed already earlier, a Budding mower was supposed

to be a device for low and precision mowing, a therefore rather a gardening machine for care of lawns.

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According to some sources Angel Joseph Boyce as early as in 1799 year patented “a rotating device cutting with six knives.” a in 1815 year originating from Scotland James Smith improved the available in the market solution by a cylinder sliding the cut material out side. From the counter in 1824 the year Scottish farmer Patrick Bell constructed a reaper, which was soon destroyed by local farm workers, fearing the loss of job, because of the huge as this time productivity of an order 0.4 ha/hr. These devices have not gained however more popularity and remain in the shadow of later inventions.

The American War of Roller

In the US some manufacturers of agricultural machinery were in competition for long years for the patent related to the invention of Roller and the pallet of priority in this area. At the end of the second half of the century this was the cause of numerous trials in court, including with appeals to the Congress itself, between Obed Hussey and Cyrus McCormick. Their conflict, known in American history of agricultural technology as the “War of the Reapers”, i.e. the War of Reapers, lasted in the years 1834-1859.

If you use the data of the American patent office, as the first device of popular for consecutive decades of operation, patented in July 1833 year Obed Hussey. However, Cyrus McCormick, reported to the patent office in early 1834 year, about 6 months later than Hussey, he said, that his father

had constructed the machine already in 1831 year. To make it more

interesting, at some time for settlement.of conflict the judge cited patents from the whole world, making both interested parties aware, that very similar machines, although things clearly slightly different constructed, were submitted to patent offices as early as in 1803 year (submitters French and Hawkins), a over the following 30 years of applicants have been reported in this area 17 patents. More however, the aforementioned conflict persisted for consecutive decades, acquiring international significance, as both masters attempted to conquer Europe with their machines.

Rake nagger snapper, phot. Maciej Sacha Harrow tillers snapper, phot. Maciej Sacha

For the time of conflict, a three quarters of a century, both firms operated in parallel, and farmers valued their benefits in different aspects. For example the McCormick machine in normal conditions achieved higher performance than the comparable model Hussey, but at the same time in difficult conditions, for example. cereals wet or outstanding, the scale of winning tilted decidedly to the other side. Finally in 1859 year the court ordered Cyrus McCormick to pay 80 thousand dollars (today that is some 2.6 million USD) to Obed Hussey, who

that still in that same year sold his patent for 200 thousands of dollars, a so at today’s

value of money about 6.5 million dollars. However at the same time already after his death, in 1861 , his

children received part of patent rights and in the successive years took from different manufacturers of machinery agricultural benefits for using solutions developed by the father.

What interesting, simultaneously in the countries of the former Soviet conversion, that the first gathering was constructed in 1857 year in the locality Gerivtsi in Belarus. Obviously in the minute of the discreetly it was then the family Domeyko.

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The harvester, that is the Polish harvester

After the Second World War in some sense Polish agriculture experienced its “American sleep”, however paradoxically it didn’t sound in the tough years of postwar reconstruction and difficulties for farmers individually not subject to forced collectivization. We wrote about the history of the Lock Factory of Harvest Machinery already before on the occasion of Bizons or Vistula. It was there, on June 16 1948, based on the American McCormick harvester, that the Polish machine – Ż5A “Przodownica” was created.

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By the end of the month a total of a dozen pieces of such jigs. In the harvest 1948 year the machines were tested at farm factory, School Head Farm and University of Poznan. On August 6 the fabric farm in Grodkow

near Płock visited the minister of agriculture and reform agriculture Jan

Oak-Kettle, who was impressed with the new technology issued an order inaugurating serial production.

For 23 years of production, until September 1971 year, the “Forefront” had no major modernizations. The Ż5A model was produced actually until 1969 year, but in parallel from 1963 year the Ż5B model was produced, which differed in exactly only the details, only with a rubber wheel instead of metal. From 1954 year in Płock the combines ŻMS-4 were built, a from 1959 year Vistule and probably already then it was a secret, that the “Forefront” would not get a successor, the more so, that also from the years 50s at the Poznan Factory of Harvest Machinery there were some models of snapper, which in the future with certainty we will look closer.

Harvester Ż5B Precursor, phot. Informator Agriculture Harvester Ż5B Precursor, phot. Informator Agroma

New “Harvester” in Agroma

According to “Informator Agroma” in 1970 in Central Commerce Agricultural Equipment it was possible to buy a harvesterŻ5B “The guideway”, a so the version on the rubber wheel. To propel it needed a hitch consisting of 2-3 horses, and

to operate one person was sufficient. The manufacturer determined capacity at 0.55 ha/hr.

– the reaper horse is designed to

mow cereals, grass and other plants, with except plants with hard and thick stalks. The harvester mowsthegrainandplacesitthickthickinthefield.Thereisattachedtothebodywiththecutting tool.The bodysupportsonthewheelrunning,drivingallmechanismsofthereportsthe”HandbookAgriculture”from1970year.

Accordingto thereferencedpublicationsuchmachinecostatthat timeequal9thousand zlotys.Forcomparison,accordingtoGUSdata,wheatwasthenpurchasedatanaverageof3500zł/t,ryeatabout2400zł/t,barley3100zł/tandoatsabout2200zł/t.This meansthatanewharvesterwasworthapproximately2.6tof wheat,3.8tof rye,2.9tof barleyor4.1tof oats, respectively.


ThousandsofTractorsMTZBelarusthreatenedto be scrapped.LocalIsbaagriculturalappeals.

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