The VkusVill chain two years ago launched a centralized collection of recyclable materials generated on dark stores. Contractors daily pick up cardboard, plastic and wooden boxes, and film from warehouses, and then transport the fractions to local collection points, from where they are distributed to processing plants.
Source: “VkusVill”
The project developed as the brand’s dark stores launched two years ago. Most of VkusVill's products are fresh and ultra-fresh, with shelf life of 72 and 48 hours. That is why shipments from distribution centers to darkstores and stores are carried out daily, using pallets and boxes. In order to rationally use the accumulated fractions, VkusVill began to involve contractors in the removal of recyclable materials from dark stores.
All dark stores of the brand are connected to the project. As new warehouses open, they are also “attached” to contractors who transport recyclables to local collection points. Note that the points themselves choose which plant the factions will go to next. Such a project allows you not only to collect recyclable materials, but also to track their future fate, to know that they will not be thrown away, but will be recycled and given a second life.
In addition to this project, the VkusVill environmental team is developing a large number of other initiatives: collecting caps, batteries, plastic cards, soft packaging, refusing to print paper receipts, installing machines with household chemicals for bottling, accepting books and clothes, collecting blisters for medicines , places vending machines for plastic bottles and others. In total, more than 450,000 people monthly take part in eco-projects from VkusVilla.
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