As we read in the communiqué of the General Veterinarian in the conclusion of focus FMD in Germany, in which in the first stage laboratory tests were performed in direction of blue tongue (BT) and obtained negative results from taken samples, it was decided, that in the frame of differential diagnosis on suspicion of BT, when simultaneous occurrence of clinical symptoms of infectious disease, the examination is conducted in the direction of herpes.
Any information about the eventual occurrence of infectious diseases in animals requiring notification is distributed after confirmation of focus and after obtaining multiple results of testing in official laboratories – reads in communication.
The outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Germany
Let’s recap: the first in over 35 years focus FMD was confirmed on 10 January in a stock of water buffaloes in a show farm under Berlin. The outbreak of disease has caused mighty fears, or even panic among producers of cattle and water pigs. This disease is because it is extremely dangerous. It has a high incidence, affects many species of animals – including wild animals common in the environment (wild boar and game foot). What is
worse with ease is transported by air, a distance that can in this way be covered is estimated to
even 60 kilometer.
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Meat explosion: Price, Mercosur and large imports of pork into Poland
After the focus appeared also the problem of trade blockades imposed on German pork by such countries as Korea South or Great Britain. More or less directly has reflected this on the level prices of turtles across Europe.
What follows with flu?
How until this time the pest issue in Germany is confined only to the confirmed 10 January. How will the situation happen further? This for this moment no one. In conversation with Farmer.pl dr KrzysztofJażdżewski – chief doctor of veterinary medicine reflected attention to the fact, that how so far no other diseases have been tested in around nearly 2.5 thousand. animals gives a chance
that the disease has been successful to suppress in the bud. Nevertheless as for time there is no confidence about
this and one must maintain sensitivity.
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Chief Veterinary Physician: Lack of next focus of pestilence in Germany inspires optimism
We don’t know-andprobablywillneverknowthat,whyhowthevirus gotintoGermany.ThenearestregionsinwhichprednisoneoccursareinTurkey.