More than a third of tankers transporting Russian oil have stopped because of new Sanctions of the US. According to data from MarineTraffic and LSEG, as at least 65 ships are stalled in Russian waters, and also near the ports of
Singapore and China, Reuters wrote. oil tankers. Photo: CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU
More than third of tankers carrying Russian oil have stalled because of new sanctions of the US. According to MarineTraffic and LSEG, at least 65 ships are stalled in Russian waters, and also near the
ports of Singapore and China, Reuters wrote.
The sanctions, imposed at the beginning of the year, targeted 183 tankers from the shadow fleet, which Russia used to avoid Western price restrictions on oil. It is estimated that in 2023 Russia used about 600 such ships, and the new sanctions affected approximately 10 percent of the world’s oil fleet.
As reported by analysts quoted by Reuters, the sanctions induced tanker shortage is likely to be replenished by ships notunderrestrictions,asIndiaandChinaincreaseimportsofoilfromalternativesources.