In Tyrvandi, near Tartu a recently has been built, officially a home for two families, but, as it is confirmed, it will be sold with the ownership of 16 one- and two-bedroom apartments. The Authority did not find any violations in the proceedings, and the developer confirms that the building is compliant with the operational designation and interest in the purchase is already there, writes rus.err.ee with a link to ERR.Back 20 years ago around the five-story paneled and private homes
in Tirvandi in Kambia highlands, but now the settlement has grown in all directions. In the fall there opened a new school, and a few years before the kindergarten and library were reconstructed. In the settlement also appeared Industrial Park and a number of new residential districts. One of
them is the residential district Sayalille with a few streets and tiny pair homes with associated infrastructure. In 2023 year it became clear that between one-story houses will be built one two-story building. The house with its size was already in the time of construction. If the area of one apartment in houses in the district
is about 100 sq. meters, then in the house at address Sayalille, 37, for one family, according to papers, there are 400 square
meters and 12
rooms.Despitetheobjectionsandquestionsoflocalresidents,inMaylastyear,thebuildingwaspermittedtooperateasahomefortwofamilies.For morereadHERE.HERE.