The social network Reddit has been circulating an information about an incident when the owner of an apartment went into the apartment while the tenant was absent and digged without permission.User Reddit published a post under the title: “What to do if the landlord came into the apartment
while my absence and dug into the boxes?” A user writes: “I went away for a month, about which the landlord knew. While traveling I received a notice from the home camera that someone was at home. Through this I see how he is (landlord of the apartment – ed.) Can I do
anything other than just to talk with him? The video evidence is there.” We contacted Rendin, one of the biggest in Estonia Estonia platforms for real estate, with a
request to comment on the behavior of the landlord, and they confirmed that such behavior is illegal. “The inviolability of a home is a constitutional right of every person. It does not matter whether the owner or the tenant>resides in the home. The rented housing is the home of
the tenant, where no unauthorized person (including the owner of the housing) will enter without permission.” – commented Specialist of Marketing Rendin Britta Johanna Annom. She adds, that the landlord can visit the leased property only if the visit has been agreed
in advance with the tenant, or in exceptional cases where there are reasons to believe that the property of the landlord or the neighbors could be significantly damaged.
“Such exceptional cases may include, for example, flooding, fire or other situations that require immediate immediateactions to prevent increased damage or danger to people and property”, Annom explains. The existence of exclusive conditions should be determined based on each