
The tax hike has brought the state significant income: in November receipts were record 1.17 billioneuros

Повышение налогов принесло государству значительный доход: в ноябре поступления составили рекордные 1,17 миллиарда евро

In November the Tax and Customs Department received 1.17 billion euros of tax receipts, which is 9.6% more than than the last year, the Ministry of Finance reported. The main driver of the growth of tax receipts was the income

tax from distributed profit of legal individuals. Coupons euros. Illustrative Photo. Coupons euros. Illustrative Photo. Photo: Peeter Peeter Lilleväli / Põhjarannik

In November the Tax and Customs Department received 1,17 billion euros of tax receipts, which is 9.6% increased compared with the last year, the reported in Ministry of Finance. The main driver of the

growth of tax receipts has become the income tax on distributed profits of legal entities.

“Growth in wages and declines in the number of jobs have slowed compared with the first half of the year.” – explained analyst of the fiscal policy department of the Ministry of Finance Margus Tuvikene. In November the fund wage fund increased by 6.1 percent, while the number of jobs decreased by 0.6 percent. 

Growth in the Wage Fund is driven by the Health and Social Support sector, where wages were increased in accordance with the Collective Agreement : the minimum rate of pay labor in April 2023 of the year increased by 20%, and in April 2024 of the year by 10%. In this sector also increased the numberofjobs-  inNovembertherewere1600morethantheyearearlier.However,thesectoris characterized bypart-timeemployment about5,000peopleworkinsomesome placessimultaneously.


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