According to them, after finalizing the purchase of the terminal, the company supported by an American investment company will start modernizing the storage facilities for bulk materials, including expanding and increasing the terminal's reloading capacity, modernizing the storage infrastructure for grain, fertilizers and feed, installing an automated transport and logistics system and improving the technical infrastructure , railway and road in the area.
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Grain terminal in Szczecin for sale. Will Germany take over the business?
– These actions are aimed at almost doubling the terminal's transhipment capacity and also helping it respond to the needs of farmers as effectively as possible, enabling further grain transhipment as it has been done so far. All import and export possibilities, including cereals, will be maintained – we read in the statement. It is not the end. As added, as part of the modernization of the terminal, tanks for storing chemical components will be built. It is a response to market and geopolitical challenges. After Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, the demand for some of the raw materials subject to sanctions increased. This requires greater diversification of supplies, both in terms of country of origin and transport route.
Three-fold increase in transshipment capacity
According to the company, thanks to the reconstruction of the warehouse base of the Andreas Terminal, including the creation of a new warehouse and the expansion of existing ones, the storage capacity of bulk materials (cereals, feed, fertilizers, etc.) will significantly increase – as expected, it will increase threefold.
– One of the important goals of the modernization is to adapt the terminal infrastructure to the highest safety standards for sea cargo handling. To this end, the road and rail infrastructure will be modernized in line with the increased transhipment capacity of the terminal, to include automated unloading and transport systems as well as modern ship handling systems, we read in the press release.
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How much grain do the ports of Gdańsk and Gdynia tranship?
The port, farmers and the entire region will benefit
Is this good news for farmers? In their opinion, yes.
– For farmers, the investment means improved feed and grain handling capacity and acceleration of grain handling. For the commune, it will be a direct investment, which means an increase in business revenues and taxes. The investment will also benefit construction and assembly companies from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, which will carry out work on the expansion of the terminal for over a year, it was reported.
The planned investment will not only lead to the expansion and modernization of the Andreas Terminal area, but will also bring tangible benefits to the Szczecin-Świnoujście Port, enabling the handling of a larger number of ships, which will translate into higher revenues.
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The Port of Szczecin unloads a fertilizer giant. 32.2 thousand tons of urea