The international franchise chain of stores in the take away format and delivery of Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine “Sushi Wok” has opened its first point on the Armenian market in Yerevan, writes RB .
Lena Bukovsky/Shutterstock/Fotodom
Preparing the Sushi Wok company to enter the Armenian market took less than six months. The first point is located on an area of 50 sq.m.
“We do not intend to stop there and are confident that after Yerevan, Sushi Wok will come to other cities in Armenia,” noted the chain’s press service .
Armenia has become the fifth country in which the network operates. The company also operates in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and in 2023 entered the Montenegro market. In the future, Sushi Wok plans to open establishments in the markets of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Today the network has over 700 stores in the Russian Federation and other countries.
Stardogs company opened the first retail outlet selling hot dogs in Armenia