
The subsidy for the purchase of electric vehicles is now extended to usedautos

Субсидия на покупку электромобилей теперь расширилась и на подержанные автомобили

From Monday, 27 January, the subsidy for the purchase of electric vehicles in Estonia will be extended and to used vehicles under new conditions, approved in mid January by Infrastructure Minister Vladimir Svet, they now apply and to the purchase of smallly used electric cars. This

is reported by the press office of the Ministry of Climate. Electric car on charging. Electric car on charging. Photo: Mihkel Maripuu

From Monday, 27 January, the subsidy on the purchase of electric cars in Estonia will extend and to used cars – new conditions, approved in mid January by Infrastructure Minister Vladimir Svet, they now apply

and to the purchase of smallly used electric cars. This is reported by the press office of the Ministry of Climate.

“The goal of subsidizing the purchase of electric cars is to encourage people to discontinue vehicles with internal combustion

engines and choose environmentally cleaner alternatives.” – explained Minister of

Infrastructure Vladimir Svet.

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“Opportunities for environmentally sustainable mobility should be provided as widely as possible to the wider target group. Subsidizing the purchase of used electric vehicles helps make this category of vehiclemore affordable even for those who who are too expensive to buy a new electric car,” Light emphasized.

Private individuals can apply for support when purchasing a used electric vehicle for an amount of up 4000 euros, but not more than 25% of the value of the vehicle. Vehicle must be not older than five years and purchased from a certified autodealer in a leasing or direct purchase. People can still apply for a subsidy of up to 4,000 euros for the purchase and a new electric vehicle.

A new in the list of conditions is the opportunity to apply for an additional subsidy in the amount of 1500 euros, if the owner dismantles his old internal combustion engine vehicle in compliance with the rules and exchanges it for a new, or a used electric vehicle. In this case to receive the subsidy the new electric vehicle must be acquired within six months from the deregistration of the old vehicle.

The Ministry’s press office added that it has decided to abolish the system for receiving applications for support for the purchase of cargo bikes, because interest in the purchase of these lately has decreased. For example, in 2024 year was supported by the purchase of 38 cargo bicycles for businesses and 32 for private individuals, that is, on average every month with support less than six such bikes were purchased.

The ministry also decided to no longer subsidize the purchase of electricvehiclesbybusinessesbecausethetargetedbudgetforsubsidizingbusinessesis exhausted.

Support forprivateindividualstopurchasenewandusedelectric vehiclesis paid out ofCO2fundsbytheCenter forEnvironmentalInvestments.The newconditionsbecameinEstoniaineffectiveon27Januaryofthisyear.

The newconditionsbecameinEstoniaon27Januaryofthisyear.

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