
The State Duma will consider the legislative bill on a unifiedQR codeinJanuary

Госдума рассмотрит законопроект о едином QR-коде в январе

Before the end of January the Duma plans to consider the legislative bill on introduction of a single QR code in first reading, report “Izvestia”.



The bill would allow purchases with using the digital ruble and requires federal retail networks to begin accepting the new type of national currency from

In late 2024 year the head of the Committee on financial market Anatoly Aksakov along with group of deputies and senators presented a legislative bill on the implementation of a unified QR code in

According to a document of the Council of the Duma, the Parliament has already determined the responsible committee, and also sent the draft to review the government by 16 January. In addition, the Lower Chamber’s materials mentioned that in

“Our initiatives are aimed to  establish equal conditions for all participants in the market.This can be achieved with the use of one single QR code. Now the large participants in the market have actually monopolized such service as payment for products with the code. It is arranged in such a way that the person uses only the development ofaspecificorganization,no longerwithout resortingto otheranalogues.Moremorethansomebankschargesomesometradewith tradefor usingtheir QR codes.”A singlemechanismwillallowretailerstosavein thiscaseand on acquiring”, -he explained.

The share ofpurchasesby SBPincreasedmorethanby 30%aftertheintroductionofuniversalQR code

Minfinis proposedto tightenthe rulesofpaymentofgoodsand servicesby QR code

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