The State Duma approved the legislative bill on the right to refuse topayforimposingadditional services
The Duma has adopted in the first reading the legislative bill about banning the imposition of automatic purchase of insurance and other additional services, writes TASS. The document amends the Amendments to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights .”
Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock/Fotodom
According to the bill, to receipt of additional goods or services the purchaser must consent in such. It is Prohibited to impose additional goods before concluding the contract for purchasing the basic goods, work and services. In this the citizens have the right to refuse to pay for them, and if the purchasers are always forced to deposit funds for additional goods and services, then the citizens may require the seller to return the amount spent on them .
The Law also does not allow conditions formed by the seller that initial consent to the acquisition of additional goods, work and services.
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The State Dumaapprovedcompleteperenos-markirovki-importnogo-alkogolya-v-rossiyu-21-yanvarya-2025-259912″target=”_blank”rel=”noopener”>The State Dumaapprovedcompleteperenos-markirovki-importnogo-alkogolya-v-rossiyu;Russia