
The shale sector will recycle plastic and old tyres? The statements of Eesti Energiaexecutiveshavebeenbluffed

Сланцевый сектор займется переработкой пластика и старых шин? Заявления руководства Eesti Energia оказались блефом

The construction of the new plant for production of shale oil by Eesti Energia in Auvera, not far from Narva, has finished directly. In April the technicians will start up the equipment, and the first products

will be received. The head of Enefit Power Lauri Carp hopes that in the future factories to produce shale oil will be able to recycle wood, in the opposite case in

ten years the production will be stopped. The CEO of Enefit Power Lauri Carp hopes that in future the factories producing shale oil will be able to recycle wood, in the opposite case in ten years the production will be stopped. Photo: Sander Ilvest

The construction of a new plant for production of shale oil by Eesti Energia in Auver, not far from Narva, has reached the

finish line. In April the technicians will start the equipment, and the first products will be received.

The Eesti Energia estimates the cost of the plant at 370 million euros. According to the available at the current time information, it will be extremely difficult to recover these investments. In the world many things may change, but as of today it appears that the startup of the shale oil plant will only reduce the losses.

The said plant processes shale into oil and gasoline. For a few years the managers of Eesti Energia have announced that the plant will be using slate as feedstock.Plastic and old tires. This is important because slate asfossilfuel has beenindisfavorduetothegreenturn. The promise to recycleplasticandrubberintooil becamea kind ofindulgenceforhundredsofmillionsofeurosinNarva.

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