On Wednesday the Riigikogu rejected in the first reading of the Parliamentary Faction of “Fatherland” the legislative bill abandoning the Law
on the Tax on automotives. In Estonia there is still a very small number of dissatisfied with the introduction of the Autonalogue. Photo: Liis Treimann
On Wednesday the Riigikogu rejected the first
reading of a legislative bill about revoking the Law on the tax on automobiles.
As reported by the press service of the Parliament, for the rejection of the legislative bill voted 51 members Riigikogu, opposite – 28. So the legislative bill was removed from the Riigikogu’s consideration.
The legislative bill provided for the repeal of the Law on the tax on vehicles. “Promoting a tax on automobiles is also a large-scale deception of voters, because neither one of the parties of the ruling coalition before the election had promised to impose this tax. The Eesti 200 party before the election assured that the tax on automobiles would not be imposed. But now the party that promised a new new policy and long-term plan, has backtracked on its words and began to punish people and businesses with a tax on vehicles.” – was written in the explanatory note to the Fatherland bill.”
According to the assessment of Fatherland, the ruling coalition is ignoring the fact that Estonia has already introduced a tax on motor vehicles, namely the excise tax on fuel. “Excise on fuel is by its nature is thethe most logical form of taxation, because the more you drive, the more you pay. The ruling coalition, in essence, is taxing current and future auto-owners with a double tax, that is neither economically justified, nor socially just, “Fatherland” emphasizes.
The Party in the explanatory note recalled that on the first day of last year the acquisition of diesel fuel increased by almost 7%, excise for natural gas – almost 20 %, and excise for electricity – 45 %. “Such a tax burden on taxpayers is not a sustainable solution to the financial and economic problems of Estonia, but a way into the tupidity, “Fatherland” noted.
“Fatherland” is opposing the tax on cars and considers that it should be abolished. “A car tax would be especially painful for families with children and people in rural locations. Unfortunately, the government has not even taken the time to analyze the impact of the auto tax on families with children. Particularly in rural locations where the public vehicle network is sparse or absent, the car is often the only way to take children to school and to vacation,” the party emphasizes.
The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Estonian Estonian Union of Families with Children with Disabilities, Estonian Chamber of Disabled and many other organizations, including the Estonian Union of Car Owners, have collected more than7070000signaturesopposingtheimpositionofataxonvehicles,whichhavebeentransmittedtotheParliamentofthecountry.