We claim this because the range of qualitative and dimensional features identifying energy wood indicated in the draft regulation allows, to a large extent, to consider it as a raw material that is fully suitable for industrial use. Moreover, this project contains a number of inaccuracies and errors that we have pointed out – emphasize experts from the Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Wood Industry (PIGPD).
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Will we soon be able to heat our houses only with energy wood?
The new regulation will only sanction the burning of high-quality wood in the commercial power industry
In the opinion of PIGPD representatives, leaving the regulation in its original content will be counterproductive and they are convinced that it will legally sanction the practice that has been taking place so far.
The provisions included in the project can only protect high-value raw materials from burning, which are already protected by economic factors – emphasize PIGPD representatives.
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Reimbursement of part of the costs of animal insurance – another recruitment for "Risk Management"
PIGPD encourages representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to visit the site and change the provisions of the regulation
PIGPD can indicate many wood plants that currently conduct daily production and have raw wood in stock, obtained from the State Forests, most of which – according to the original version of the regulation – would be classified as energy wood. They also encourage the authors of the draft regulation to undertake such a local vision.
We expect the Ministry of Climate and Environment to establish and announce mechanisms enabling effective enforcement of the conditions set out in the regulation and criminal sanctions for violating the above-mentioned regulations – emphasize PIGPD representatives.
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Financing for the use of biomethane. Who can apply for what subsidies and what?
Will abolishing subsidies for the use of wood in any form solve the problem?
PIGPD representatives also point out that the only fully effective solution that would completely solve the problem is to waive subsidies for the use of wood in any form as part of co-combustion in installations designed for other types of fuel.
Therefore, we asked to consider such a step, justified from the point of view of economics and ecology – emphasize representatives of PIGPD.