
The pyrotechnic industry defends itself against accusations of activists. Refutesa numberofmyths.

Branża pirotechniczna broni się przed zakusami aktywistów. Obala szereg mitów

In sent to our editorial letter the industry presents a range of arguments according to delegation or significant limitation of the possibility of using pyrotechnic means would be harmful so to the economy, as and society. It also resolves a series of myths arising about the issue – including the adverse impact of using fireworks on wild and domestic animals, a also on the environment. 

The great economic importance of the pyrotechnic

As reports the association, in  2023 year the pyrotechnic industry sold over 30 million products and had 6 million 850 thousand. users buying one or more products. In 2024 year the number of users increased to over 9.3 million. Each purchase of fireworks by one household generates the budget on average of about 25 £ from only the VAT tax. The pyrotechnic industry is in the decided majority of family businesses, often for some years of their activity, actively supporting their local communities and building the strength of local economies.

It is estimated that there are over 25 thousand entrepreneurs, who are affiliated with the pyrotechnic industry. It employs a pond of 30 thousand employees, of of which more than 10 thousand are skilled workers, who receive specialized training pirotechnical. Thanks to own entrepreneurship and activity each year enterprises in the industry generate turnover of 769 million gold, which significantly transfer to tax income and development of local communities. According to estimates of VAT due, resulting from sales of industry to final customers, could reach in the year 2023 of 94 million gold. About 280 million gold comes from exports of products mainly to countries of the European Union. Estimated total – direct, indirect and induced, the impact of activity of market factors on the Polish economy in 2023 year

to about 279 million gold value added gross and about 76 million gold wages paid. The value of

product sales to final customers is estimated at approximately 500 million zlotys gross.

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Poland is the fifth largest exporter and importer of pyrotechnic products in the world. Our products are sold primarily to European countries: France (21.3%), Romania (14.4%), Italy (12.7%) and Germany (11%). Some entities acting in the industry though formally belong to the SME sector, then in operational terms act on a larger scale. These entrepreneurs often act globally. In the season of Sylvester People are increasingly willing to seek the best quality pyrotechnic materials, offered by Polish companies. They decide to buy more complex fireworks, giving more satisfaction with the show. On New Year’s Eve 2019/2020 year, the average household spent even 131 £ on the purchase of fireworks. 

Limiting the sale of pyrotechnic materials will destroy the

As reports the association, project excluding the sale of pyrotechnic articles of classes F2 and F3, which constitute over 95% of products used by consumers (batteries, rockets, Roman guns, petals) will decidedly decrease the revenue of the State budget, and also disrupt the functioning of many firms in the pyrotechnic industry and the major of their  engaged in only this type of activity will lead to bankruptcy. The specific nature of the industry causes the production cycle – from design to delivery of designed in Polish firms of pyrotechnic materials to exceed 12-15 months. Firms

are already implementing orders related to the season of the year 2025 and in planning business are

in the year 2026. Any proposals for legislative changes should take into account this specification. Firms

from industry are conducting large investment activities such as. in specialized warehouses for materials pyrotechnics, they also invest in development of personnel designers. In the event of changing legislative environment these companies would threaten the specter of bankruptcy and the necessity of mass dismissals of employees.

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Only professional production and distribution of fireworks will ensure safety of the user

As adds  Association Importers and Distributors of Pyrotechnics only available legally pyrotechnic materials meet the highest standards of quality and comply with specified safety standards and are allowed to market in the whole EU. The industry is regulated by European regulations, among others. Directives number 2014/28/EU or 2013/29/EU, and national law (laws and regulations). The industry is subject to constant inspections from the fire brigade, the police, the Technical Inspection Authority, or the Commercial Inspection. During the inspection completed by UOKiK, KAS and IH in December 2023 year, also 98 proc. of over 2 million pieces of tested fireworks meet all safety standards. The industry also conducts activities of social responsibility, actively cares for education of users, so that the use of fun is related only to joy and celebrate important moments. The Association of Distributors and Importers of Pirotechnics has established for this purpose the Foundation of Development and Education of Pirotechnics.

Banning illegal fireworks is the development grey zone

At the same time delegation of this industry may lead to the emergence uncontrolled, dangerous under many reasons a gray zone, which shows the example of Holland. Only in December 2022 year. Dutch and German police jointly seized as many 250 tons of unknown origin, without certificates of safety, predicted for sale on the black market in Holland[3]. Professional, Polish pirotechnic industry is a guarantee of safety for users. During the inspection completed by UOKiK, KAS and IH in December 2023 year, a some 98 proc. of over 2 million pieces of tested fireworks meet all safety standards. From studies conducted by the National Survey Panel Ariadna in the years 2021 -2024 it appears, that some 50 proc. surveyed fears that after the imposition of the use of pyrotechnics, the Polish market will be flooded with fireworks, petards of untested quality and of unknown origin.

Poland does not want a bans on fireworks

The association cites the research of the National Ariadna Panel, conducted in last years which indicate, that almost 65 proc.Surveyed have used pyrotechnic means or participated in an event with their participation.  The majority of Poland (51 percent) does not support the complete ban of fireworks and petards, while 10 percent. there is no opinion on this issue. What more of the studies shows, that also among owners of domestic animals the opponents of pyrotechnics are a distinct minority.

Fireworks do not neglect the suffering of animals

The Association Importers and Distributors of Pyrotechnics also broadcasts information on the total threat to health, life and welfare of animals which generates to the use of pyrotechnics on the night of Saturday. From data obtained by the Association in the years 2019-2024 it appears, that in the Saturday New Year period the services responsible for interventions in animal issues in most they do not not record frequent outbreaks of domestic pups. This year’s survey conducted by one of the portals indicates, that out of over 40 institutions standing on the first line to help animals – shelters and city guards – from 22 cities of Poland only 2 city guards and 5 shelters recorded increased number of interventions. In other cases no increased trend was recorded, a in some cities interventions of this type were not at all, or there were fewer than in other periods year. According to the PAN publication of the day of 18.04.2019 the real problem concerning death of birds are

cats. About 631 million suckers and almost 144 million birds fall in Poland every year to


Research by scientists at the Military Academy of Technology[4] has confirmed, that all fireworks in the

so-called cats. safe distance do not exceed the noise level 120 decibels, that meet standards of the European Union, a already about 40 meters from the place of their fire level is decreasing and is forming between 90 and 110 decibels. In 2019 the company LEMITOR Protection Environment Sp. with o.o. from Wrocław, has asked to study the actual level of emitted sound during the organized by Nakaja Art performance pirotechnic in Wrocław . Measurements of noise showed, that at the peak moment of the pyrotechnic show on the event ground the noise did exceed 105 dB a concert preceding the show generated noise at level up to 130 dB. Natural factors, such as storms or hail and those related to human activities (aircraft, trains, sound signaling of privileged cars, motors pneumatic, concerts.outdoor, sports events ) induce similar sound and are a constant element of modern civilization.

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Fireworks are safe for environment

Organization reports data, according to which the annual emission of carbon oxides into the atmosphere as a result of combustion of pyrotechnic mixtures is fold lower than in in industry, whether transport andapproximatetothatwhichgeneratese.g.theburningoftobacco productsandisinapproximately0.27% ofthetotalannualemission.The quantityofcarcinogenicorpotentiallycarcinogenicsubstances,emittedintheresultofcombustionofpyrotechnic mixtures,isminimal.Smallquantitiesofpotentiallyharmfulcombustionproducts,accordingtotheopinionofresearchers,do notconstituteamajorthreattohealth.Incomparisontopollutantsgeneratedintheresultofindustrial,transportation activities,whethertheburningoftobaccoproductsthehazardcausedbysubstancesderivedfromtheburningofpyrotechnicproductsisnegligible.Whatismore important,thecompoundsemittedtotheatmospherebyfireworksdonothavelong-termimpactontheenvironment.AccordingtostudiesbyMilitaryAcademyofTechnology,for example.lasershowscausemuchmorepollutionoftheenvironment-foralasershowtohappen,itproducesharmfultotheenvironmentartificialfog.Youcannotalsoforgetaboutthecoststhatarerequiredtopreparelaser shows.It is estimatedthattheyarefromfewtofew timeshigherinrelationtoorganizingshowsofartificialfires,andtheimplementationrequirestheapplicationofahugequantityofenergy,whichisgeneratedwithgeneratorspoweredbycurrent.

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