
The property of the logistics company Raven Russia will be transferred under thecontrolofthestate

Имущество логистической компании Raven Russia будет передано под контроль государства

Arbitration Court Moscow has ruled to transfer assets of the registered in Hong Kong Group Raven Russia (Raven Property Group Limited) into state property, writes RBC. Warehouses of the company will go under the control of Rosimushchestvo.



16 warehouse Raven complexes were recognized by the court “transportation terminals, operating in conditions of natural monopoly and have strategic importance for Russia”. So, all of them are transferable to Rosimushchestvo, because they are illegally controlled by foreign residents. 

The decision was adopted in connection with satisfaction of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. S 2022 year the agency contested the sale of the business to the local management by one of the biggest owners of the warehouses. The General Prosecutor’s Office insisted that the deal was fictitious with the

The management of Raven Raven Russia considered this decision unlawful and plans to appeal it . The company assured that it will continue to fulfill all its obligations to tenants and other contractors.

The Raven Raven Russia portfolio is about 1.9 million square meters of logistics real estate. The company was created in

На российскихскладахскопилосьрекордноечислоновыхавтомобилей

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