U.S. currency has been the most expensive for 13 months
In the last second days U.S. currency listed on the exchange in Chicago has become the disputed leader of markets. On 18 last session of listings, number 14 have ended with rising prices, which now is the highest since 26 December 2023 .
Cereal prices on MATIF repeatedly declined
Wheat in contract with supply in March on MATIF has declined by 1.3 percent. and cost 228.25 euros/ton (973 zl/t), a in month year/year quotes increased 5.3 proc. The price of currency on the Paris exchange in the March contract declined by 0.9 proc. and was
213.75 euro/t (911 zl/t). Through the last year the price has increased by 13.1 proc;
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IGC: prognosis of lower production of cereals in season 2024/2025
Wheat on CBoT in the March contract has become more expensive by 0.1 proc. and cost 200.98 USD/ton. In the year/year quotes decreased by 6.0 proc. The price of currency in contract with supply in March on the exchange in Chicago rose by 0.9 percent. and was 188.48 USD/t, a through last year has increased
by 7.9 proc.
Wheat MATIF, March contract price declined by 1.30 proc. (228.25
euro/t – 973 zl/t).
Figure 1.
March term contracts for wheat expressed in gold are shown after chart:
Chart 2
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How many dopłat bezposrednich traveled to accounts of farmers in the new year?
On the lower continuation chart of currency traded
on the Paris exchange the trend is long-term declining, mid-term is growing, short-term growing.
Chart 8
CBOT, March contract – price increased by 0.90 proc. (188.48 USD/t – 779 £/t).
Chart 9
On continuing contracts for currency
listed on CBOT the long-term trend isdeclining,mid-termisdeclining,short-termupward.